New Plec


Fish Fanatic
Dec 18, 2003
Reaction score
Stoke on Trent, UK
Picked up what I think is a bull Plec, but not sure.

Can Anyone advise ?



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um... Planetcatfish says....

Curiously Chaca spp. appear to lower the pH of their aquariums, much faster than the usual pH drop of a neglected tank (often to lower than pH 6.0 with no apparent ill effects to the fish). Thus regular water changes and pH testing are required particularly in a smaller species tank. Buffering may be required in some instances. Some authors report the premature death of feeder fishes that do not tolerate lower - or quick shifts in - pH levels. There is an argument that Chaca species affect their prey chemically, but I feel this is unlikely and would cause more noticeable effect in the confines of an aquarium. What is interesting to note however is that Chaca spp. are considered poisonous by locals, particularly if stepped on. Maybe we are looking at a chemical mechanism developed by a very inactive fish to taste as bad a possible to predators. Another theory still is that this excess acidity is a side effect of the strong digestive juices required by a fish that eats its prey whole.

nice :D
smithrc said:
um... Planetcatfish says....
Curiously Chaca spp. appear to lower the pH of their aquariums, .....
Yep read all that, been researching these guys for months.

Got a pH test kit for a daily test, and the panaques prefer acidic water (within reason)
good to hear...

how do they alter the PH themselves?? any idea?

This is intreging me now :)
smithrc said:
how do they alter the PH themselves?? any idea?
It seems that they have a particularly acid digestive system.. meaning that their...waste is very acid.

BTW, in the wild, the chaca chaca's staple food is.. bettas!

Anyone care to donate theirs? hehehe

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