Fungus, I Think?


Mostly New Member
Sep 26, 2014
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I recently got a betta fish from my sister (actually, I gave it to her originally but took it back since she didn't take care of him, she didn't mind). He was in a 1 gallon tank w/ 2 live Java fern. Since then, I moved him into a 2.5 gallon, got a heater and everything for him. The problem is that my Java fern has a fungus type thing growing on it. It came from my 10 gallon at home originally (I'm a college student) and otherwise it seems to be fine. I tried getting ghost shrimp to help with it, but my betta thought they were a good snack. Is there any thing I can do to get rid of it or is something that I just need to wait out? It seems to be of an aesthetic problem than anything.
Can you get a picture of your java fern? 
to TFF btw!
i'm home for the weekend, that's why there's no picture yet. I'll get it tomorrow.
Sorry for taking absloutely FOREVER! I was getting better but then it didn't... 
Note: my tank is NOT in direct sunlight normally, just for picture purposes.
photo 2 (1).JPG
Also, I got a few shrimp yesterday. They pretty much just ignore whatever it is... And the betta has already eaten one. The fungus (or whatever) is seen pretty clearly on the extension cord. I've taken the java fern out and washed it but the stuff just grows back on it.
photo 3.JPG
This picture is really weird (sorry if it's hard to see what I'm talking about). And it only happens on that one fake plant... Black globs form on it and when I go to wipe it off, it smears on my hands. It's like the paint is coming off of the gravel and collecting on the plant. Is that even possible? I'm worries my betta will try to eat the globs and it'll harm him somehow.

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