Guppy In Trouble!


New Member
Sep 8, 2014
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I have a guppy that has a pink / reddish spot behind his dorsal fin. I got 3 guppies about 4 days ago (Sunday) and the other two are just fine. The sick one has been acting different for the past few days, he has been hiding, not really eating, and generally not moving around a whole lot. He seemed pretty active just like the other two the day I got him. I looked pretty closely at him the past few days, but really didn't notice this spot. Today I was able to clearly see the spot and immediately took him out just in case it affects the other fish. Checked water parameters with the API testing kit, Ammonia - 0, Nitrite - 0, Nitrate 5-10ppm. My pH is higher than 8.0, have hard water in my area.  He did get bullied quite a bit by the other guppies when I put them in, and even today I saw them trying to chase him around. I don't have a hospital tank, so the fish is sitting in a bucket, which I know is not ideal by any means. Is this a disease, or just a wound due to bullying? Please help!!
Now for my tank details and background. I am a new to this hobby, really got introduced to it because my daughter wanted fish. Initially wanted to go for a 10G but went for a 29G. The filter is an Aqua Clear 50, with a sponge prefilter and I also have a bubble wand. I bought a sponge filter too, that I plan to add for additional filtration. Heater is 150W and set at 80F. Cycled the tank fishless using ammonia. Added few mollies, waited a few weeks, and then added 2 angels, a few days ago added 3 guppies and a dalmatian molly. The angels are still pretty small, one is nickel sized and the other is little bigger than a quarter. I do understand that the tank may be overstocked, but I am really getting into this hobby and plan to upgrade to a 55G in 6-8 months. Please let me know if you need any other information.


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Personally I would return him for an exchange. 80f is a bit high 75f would be better for Guppies. Angels are a big no no as when they get to adult they usually become dominant and start to bully the other fish especially if you have a true pair and they want to breed.

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