Help Me Identify These Plants ! I've Been Tricked By Petco


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Aug 5, 2014
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Hello I'm kinda new to the hobby and I recently bought some plants to my tank, and got a Betta I named Azure. I did some research and found that petco sells plants that aren't aquatic !
I know I should've looked up all the plants but I was in a hurry... Can someone please help my tell if the plants in my tank are terrestrial or aquatic ? I will go put them in a pot if they are): I figured the lucky bamboo I got wasn't aquatic and I put it on a pot above the tank. My mom and me is feeling suspicious about the plant that has a white strip on it and I'm not sure about the tall plant. I've seen the amazon swords before so I'm pretty sure those will be ok in the tank.
I'm no expert but the plant in your second picture doesn't look very aquatic although it might be a marginal.
I won't buy anything from these large pet chainstores, not even so much as a dog bowl. They can say what they like but they do not have the interests of animals at the heart of their business; they are there to make money, pure and simple. It may be your plant is indeed aquatic but I wouldn't put it past them to sell something unsuitable knowing that if the plant died the buyer would probably just put it down to misfortune and go and buy some more.
I buy all my plants from online retailers or dedicated LFS's that I trust.
Hopefully someone plant-minded will be along soon and be able to identify the plant pictured.
Its draceana, I bought this and found it is not aquatic and will rot within weeks to months
catfish4ever said:
Its draceana, I bought this and found it is not aquatic and will rot within weeks to months
That's it, I knew I'd seen it before.

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