Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Growth Journal :)

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Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2014
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Hi I know I've started a similar thread under the name ebjd journey but it seems this is a more appropriate place to put it.
I purchased this fish in late March 2014, I saw one of the local importers put an ad up on facebook,I've always dreamed of owning one but could never find them in my country. Unfortunately it was a week before I could had the time to travel to his place and by the time I got to the stock there were only 3 left. He was advertising them as 2 inch fish, but the ones I saw were barely over half an inch! Knowing that these fish are extremely prone to dying when at that size, and the fish costing about $25, I was kinda hesitant to get one at first. The were housed with agasizzis and two were very reclusive although one was up and about the tank. Not a good sign at all! Still, I asked if they could be fed so I could see them eat. The one that was up and about was the first fish in the tank to the food. After some more thought, I decided to take this little guy home. He was about as long as a neon tetra.
I've been feeding him tetra bits which at first I had to crumble for him, and baby earthworms (since I have a compost bin I have them in all sizes). Now he's moved on to Hikari Bio-gold+ which has greatly improved his growth and vigor, and larger earthworms, along with bloodworms, and spirulina flake.
Here's a picture when I just got him. Looking back I must have been crazy to buy such a tiny fish for so much, but he's growing well and doing great now!


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This was after one week in my possession. I keep him in a 30 gallon all alone, and I change 50% of the water every 1-2 days


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At nearly a month with me, you can see some of the black spots are starting to fade out, he's also getting a bit of tan coloration and his body is lengthening out nicely

After being with me for one month, you can see a significant change in his body shape and his color and patterning. He's also doubled in size, and is very confident in coming up for food, literally ripping earthworms in half as he pulls them from my fingers :)


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Amazing fish and I'm very happy to hear a story about an under dog fish actuly making it whatever your doing keep doing it because he looks awesome :)
Thanks! I'm gonna keep updating as he grows, hopefully he makes it to stunning adulthood!
Wow! He is beautiful. You are doing a terrific job with him.
Looking beautiful, good job :)
Thanks a lot guys! though i'd share another photo, this isn't my Dempsey but was a picture taken by the guy I bought him from to show how big the fish he was selling was.


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Heres a new photo, he's still growing little by little. I introduced spirulina flakes to his diet it really helps to bring out a deeper blue. If you notice his black spots are really shrinking. I've been having some problems with excessive flashing so if someone would like to help me out check out my fish keeps flashing yhread in the emergency section.


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Very nice! It looks like he's talking or something. :D
Thanks! Sorry its kinda dark but i'll get am better picture when the sun comes up :)
Here's two new pictures, he really looks best with the sun shining on him :)


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Some more pictures for you guys! I've decided to name this guy Poseidon by the way :)
He's grown quite a bit and his blue color is really starting to fill out. I put on of the first pictures here beside the filter tube and another current one so you can see how much hes grown!


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