Healthy Betta With Frayed Fins?

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Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2014
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A few months back after being inspired by my cichlids my mom bought a betta for he flower vase. NO! :( So I convinced her this is inappropriate and took the betta for myself. However the only tank where he can stay is my cichlid tank with rams a severum and some tetras. It also contains a maze like piece of wood which he loves. Problem is it seems his fins are getting frayed from playing in this wood. I don't think its the tankmates as the rams are afraid of him and he chases them around from time to time. The severum does nothing but stare at me the whole day so I don't think hes the problem either. Now the betta is active, feeds well, has grown significantly. His fins are frayed all the time but repair themselves very quickly before getting frayed again.
Now I don't mind that he looks kinda rugged, I love the character he adds to the tank, a kinda sneaky tough guy. He spends most of his day nestled in the floating plants hunting for guppy fry or playing in the driftwood. My question is will the constant fin damage be very bad for his health? It never gets to the point that he cant swim right, in fact since his fins got smaller he moves faster
Can you get a picture of him? Just wanting to see if he's tail biting or if it is something else in the tank. Is there a way for your to sand/smooth the driftwood?
Here you go


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Honestly his fins look pretty ragged and that is not a good thing.  Every time they tear their fin it is like you having something scratch your skin deep enough to bring blood.  Open wounds are a danger for infection so ideally you would not want his fins to look anywhere near like this.  This does not look like tears from a piece of wood but biting.  Either he is doing it to himself or one of the other fish is doing it.  The rams and severum are not good tank mates for him as both can be aggressive to a betta.

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