Something Wrong With Kasai?

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Fish Crazy
Jul 6, 2013
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I was worried he had ich, he seemed to have a couple of white spots on him, though I may have just been paranoid.

I treated him with a broad anti fungal/parasitical/bacterial med, Wardley Promethyasul.

He is acting normal enough. I thought I noticed strange white rings around his eyes but it could just be the connective tissue?

I dunno maybe some of the skin around his face and cheeks looks odd?

Hopefully I am just paranoid xP
Oh and it looks like he has a bit of lose skin on his face. That I'm not imagining.


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So here's the history... Over the past month I had three Pygmy Cory die from what I think was a bacterial infection.
Kasai, the betta, used to be in the same tank as them until two weeks ago when I moved him into his own 5 gallon tank.

The other day I decided I could no longer look after the cory and the shrimp I had in the tank and I gave them away.
So I moved the betta back into the tank they were in. I dosed the tank with a broad spectrum antifungal, antibacterial and anti-parasitical medication as well as salt because I thought he was looking sick in the other tank.

I've been watching him and he doesn't look quite right. It's hard to explain but the skin under his belly looks a bit grey, and before he was breathing rapidly. Plus it looks like some of his skin is hanging out of his gill?

Maybe I'm just worrying too much but I just want to make sure he's okay.

Apart from that his behaviour seems fine and he's swimming around a lot... But it seems like he hangs at the bottom a little bit more than usual.
I am not exactly sure of anything being wrong from the photos.  I would try and put him in a container where you can get closer shots of the areas you are concerned about which will help us to see if there is really anything wrong with him.  
Also what is the tank temperature, the water stats, water change schedule, and all you have treated for lately?
Okay thanks Wildbetta. I will try when I'm home tonight.

Tank temperature is set to 28 Celsius but my thermometer reads 25.

Water stats were normal when I last checked about 5 days ago, ph 7.6, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrates about 10.

Water change of about 30% every 1.5 weeks but I'm endeavors to make that weekly.

Lately I treated him with salt and the medication I mentioned in his old tank, as I thought he had ich, but looking back I really don't think it was ich.
Okay, here are some photos of him.


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Those photos don't really show his gills.

Also he has 2 red lines on his cheeks.
I don't see much wrong with him, quite a nice example of a CT

Sometimes when they Flare they get marks on the gill plates...Try and get him to flare at you with a mirror and see how big his 'beard' is.
Was a sod to get a photo of it but here's mine 'Flaring':
Yeah I know about the beard haha :) I got him to flare before. It kind if looks like his gills are a bit... Blistered? And maybe a bit of white fuzz on one side of them?
I don't know maybe it's paranoia...

But he does seem to be moving his gills rapidly
probably will be due to meds and the need to increase aeration to get more oxygen dissolved in the water.
Okay thanks :)

Should I be worried about the red vertical lines on his cheeks?

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