My 30 Litre Tank.

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Mostly New Member
Jan 16, 2014
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Hey Guys,
Thought i would start some updates of my tank, this is the first tropical tank i have set up, so any advice or ideas would be appreciated, i also think it would be cool in the future for me to look back on this, when i first started dealing with tropical fish.
So, some basic info on my tank, its 30 litres which is around 6/7 Gallons, its been running with the fish in since Late August and ran about a week before i put the fish in, its stocked with 2 small bronze corydoras and 8 Harlequins which have grown a lot, and some have developed a lovely color, if i don't say so myself
But i do also have some other guest, a group of what have been identified as Ramshorn Snails.
Well, onto some pics eh?
My Tank:
One and a bit of my Harlequins: (couldnt get them all)
I'm afraid your tank isn't big enough for the bronze cories :/  They should make around three inches in length, and be kept in a group of at least six to do well.
I also don't think cories should be kept on large gravel like you have. Although sand is best, they can be kept on very smooth, fine grained gravel. Yours is in quite big pieces and, however good your are at cleaning the gravel, you are inevitably going to get all sorts of crud down there, which could lead to bacteria infections on the barbels.
Red gravel and a zombie head - fun :)
Maybe add a plain background so the cables are hidden and the fish are more visible?
Meep said:
Red gravel and a zombie head - fun

Maybe add a plain background so the cables are hidden and the fish are more visible?
Good Idea! i also added a little sand section, lol
Bailpy6 said:
Red gravel and a zombie head - fun

Maybe add a plain background so the cables are hidden and the fish are more visible?
Good Idea! i also added a little sand section, lol
That's a great idea for the Corys - I've just come from the LFS and have been standing cooing over Corys LOL they do look far happier on sand.  Post a pic :D
Got very luck with the photo, one of the cory's just moved into the sand bit!
Also Been looking at a 120L tank, only issue is space!!
My Assassin Snail has came!! he is settling in and getting ready to kill, here is a pic:
I like it with the sand :)
I added Cory's to my tank today, busy little things and they're loving the sand, my two Assasins have are almost completely buried now they're not impressed with them, but happy to steal their food-pellets.  Your Assasin looks like he's on a mission there.
LOL already addicted to the hobby?
I keep saying 'if we had a bigger tank...' and being in awe of the aquarium pics here, but mine (45l) is the best I can afford and have room for at the moment.
Meep said:
I like it with the sand

I added Cory's to my tank today, busy little things and they're loving the sand, my two Assasins have are almost completely buried now they're not impressed with them, but happy to steal their food-pellets.  Your Assasin looks like he's on a mission there.
LOL already addicted to the hobby?
I keep saying 'if we had a bigger tank...' and being in awe of the aquarium pics here, but mine (45l) is the best I can afford and have room for at the moment.
Yea, i have a 30 litre, although, i did see a cheap 120L, but its just space!!! there is not enough of it!

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