Questions On Planted Tank.

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Mostly New Member
Jan 9, 2014
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I have a few questions for my 10G tank. This is my first planted tank, so I probably will seem like an idiot.

I don't have any fish in it yet because I was doing a fishless cycle, then wanted to get my live plants in and let them anchor/root before I got my fish, so I've been adding them in during my cycle. Currently my pH ranges from 7.4-7.8 with a temp range of 74-80F. 

I know my Java fern will have to be anchored, I am waiting on my driftwood to arrive later this week so I currently have a small rock anchoring it down, the rest I've read absorb their nutrients through the leaves and stems. 

I have been using API CO2 booster, at first 1mL/day, then I added the majority of these plants today and did a double dose. I'm also using Aqueon Aquarium Plant Food, 10mL/week (just added some Monday and added another dose today because I put so many plants in). Will this suffice for this many plants? Most of what I have is suppose to be low maintenance and not even require these, but with so many I thought I should. 

I also have the air stone in, some of the bubbles are causing my plant leaves to move around a bit, is this okay? It's in the middle of my tank right now. My tank hood also has cutouts where the heater and filter go. Each is in a corner. Is it okay for my plants to be near them, or do I have to keep my plants totally away from them?


  • 2014-01-15 19.06.56.jpg
    2014-01-15 19.06.56.jpg
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Everything your doing sounds fine. Some plants enjoy flow, and their leaves moving, so that wont matter.
java fern, Anubis, and any plant similar looking or style/breed cannot be under the gravel, the roots need to be in the water flow as they use them to absorb water. looking at the plants in front of the java fern, does it have the same rhizome as the java or similar? Can't tell what kind of plant it is, but if it does then it is the same as the java and needs to be above the gravel.
So besides that, and most likely you want to keep it a low tech planted tank because you are a beginner i would recommend you to read up on dirt substrate. Scary I know, but i wish i knew about it when i start, would have saved me A LOT of money lol. If you decide to go that way, super easy to switch over just quote my post and i'll expand on it and help you any way. I have multiple tanks that are dirt substrate with small gravel as a cap etc. its very easy IMO, and you'll never have to buy ferts again lol
Now lighting is another thing, what are your watts at? WPG (watts per gallon) its an important thing, without the proper lighting your plants wont make it. So what do you have?
Now expanding on what you want to do with the tank, is there a theme? what kind of wood, personally I like spider drift wood, very nice, each unique. 
For your bubblier I don't have them in my tank, if you are adding CO2 in the tank and then oxygen from the bubblier, kind of counters. really isn't needed. plants will give oxygen to the fish, etc etc.
For the flow and the heater, as long as the heater is allowed to have water flow around it, having current to heat the tank properly and doesn't have any plants resting on it, can be near it, but not touching you are find. For the flow of the water, as long as the plants aren't being beaten by the current, but has movement then there isn't an issue.
The only plants I have with rhizomes are the Java fern and Anubius, the rest are rooted plants or stem plants, I have the following plants :

Anubius Nana
Staurogyne Repens
Water Sprite
Java Fern
Hygrophilia (narrow leaved)

Currently the Anubius is attached to a piece of dead coral that I picked up years ago Scuba Diving (don't worry, it was already dead when I picked it up), and the Java will be attached to the driftwood. Does it have to be attached to anything, or just not buried?

As far as lighting, I honestly don't know what it is. I bought a Topfin 10 Gallon that came with LED lights, but it doesn't say the wattage. I know it's not a super high-end tank, but on a budget and just starting out I didn't want to go all out while I was still learning this (space is also very limited).

As for theme, I don't think we have one yet. Right now I have a 10-12" Mopani driftwood coming, should be here Friday, and I have a black lava rock. We're trying to keep it a more natural looking tank. 
You're next purchase should be a plant light.  That coral piece might raise the ph in your tank also.  I am not sure what coral can do but I have been scared of adding anything I find to my tanks after a bad experience with some rocks I found.  Great job so far. 

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