Cherry Red Shrimp - Upside Down, Kicking It's Legs And Looks To Be

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Jan 11, 2014
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First post here - newbie tropical fish keeper.
I have 1 RCS and until this evening, he/she has been fine. I did a 10% water change today, and also added 2 live plants, removing the 1 fake one.
As soon as the plants were in, the shrimp was happily swimming and eating away.
I've got home this evening, and it seems to be led on it's back, arms/legs kicking away franticly and by the looks of things, is very pregnant which until now, I had not noticed.
It's also lost a lot of it's colour.
I keep 2 neons in the tank and both of those are behaving normally. 
Attached is a photo just taken of the shrimp - could any one shed any light on this please?


  • ezimba14954874170300.jpg
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When you say after the plants were put in the shrimp was swimming around, was it swimming all over the tank as if to get away from something?
It could be there was something on the plants, new plants should always be washed thoroughly & even soaked for a day or so before putting them in just in case they've been treated with something they shouldn't have been
Thanks - the plants were from a plant-only tank at the local aquatics centre.
The Shrimp was settling on the plants - it didnt look as if it was trying to get away.
Further to the above, the shrimp seems to be having a fit every so often - it's currently on it's back, legs and pleopods still moving.
It sounds like you may have purchased some plants that where either treated with copper to kill snails or some other pesticide to remove other undesirable aquarium pests.
If your shrimp is still alive remove it into a container with some clean water that has had dechlorinator added, if you have an airstone also put this in the tub of water.
Remove the plants and rinse them really well under a tap to remove any residue on the plants.
I would also do some large water changes on the tank, and even add something like Purigen to your filter as this will also help remove any unknown chemicals that will be harmful to shrimp.
Thanks ^ I've taken the shrimp out and put it into some treated water.
It's pretty much dead by the looks of things - although slightly more alert since moving.
Will keep you updated.

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