My Planted Tank

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Mostly New Member
Jan 2, 2014
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Planted tank consists of anubias,java fern,Amazon sword and water sprite.
Assortment of cichlids 1 dwarf snake head, 1 reed fish,1 sail fin plec,2 clown loach,2 pictus catfish and 4 tiger barbs
One big happy family


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looks brilliant! more close up pics of the fish please? :)
KirkyArcher said:
looks grand
508 said:
looks brilliant! more close up pics of the fish please? :)
5-star_plakat said:
Nice! Very attractive tank!
Thanks I appreciate the complements
Here's a few more pics but a bit closer up this time.showing the ones that aren't camera shy


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just a side note, clown loach are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of 6+ recommended and grow around 16 inches, and need a very large tank, around 75 gallons for minimum.
the dwarf snakehead i believe can grow around 3-4 feet, and are predatory fish, so watch your other fish. and taking that into consideration the tank size. more info
reed fish also known as rope fish will grow to around 2 feet, 11 inches and need a min of 50 gallons. and are said to be schooling fish. so 2+ and are known as escape artists.
i heard the catfish need around a 40 gallon and will eat anything that can fit into its mouth.
so with all the fish that you have your barbs will be at risk and because of the other cichlid (don't know what kind you have) it should be south american only or african only because of the water needs, and with barbs usually they shouldn't be kept with them. also they are schooling fish, numbers are good, but IMO should be in 6+.. gives more movement etc etc etc.
but besides that, tank looks great :)
Reed fish don't normally reach more than a foot In length did look into it before I got him
The pictus catfish grow just over 4 inch there one of the smaller of the species and only eat what they can fit in there mouth and there's nothing in there small enough.
Eric my dwarf snake head should reach about 8 inch same again the smaller of the species of dwarf Snakeheads. There's quite a few different dwarf snake heads and your right some can grow to a large size. As for my clown loach one is 5 years old and 6 inch long and the other just a couple of inch In size, and I know they should be kept in numbers but these seem happy and healthy. And sometimes swim around with the tiger barbs, what i find slightly amusing. I do know they can grow to a nice size but will cross that obstacle if it ever happens. The tank is 300 litres So I think I should be ok for now.

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