Fish Eating My Plants


Oct 16, 2013
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I have a fish in my tank that is destroying/eating one of my plants.
In the tank there is
Apistogramma cacatuoides
Neon tetra
Honey gourami
Panda Cory's

Which one is most likely to be doing this to the plants
The plant is the one in the back right hand corner by the big piece of wood from Tom


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My Pandas were always uprooting my plants and damaging them as they are always digging through the sand looking for food.
I had to lead weight most of my plants down in the end which cured the problem
None of those fish are really plant-eaters, but if very hungry the tetras could nibble at plants. Or your apistos might of uprooted them while digging around.
Plants should ideally be spread evenly apart as individual stems or plantlets if you want them to grow fast and root properly - if you bunch them together they are more likely to rot where each stem is in contact with another, and it stunts root development being so close together.  Try about an inch apart. The plants will get more light that way too.  Obviously you don't have to do this with the plastic ones ;).
Lead weights and bunches are meant for displaying and selling the plants, not growing them.  Healthy rooted plants should have no problem with digging corys or tetras.
Can you show pics of plant damage? I have a feeling its not the fish's fault
Can't get a picture but the leaves are coming off and starting to float I don't have a problem with them being uprooted as that's not happening it's the leaves coming off and floating on the top of the water from Tom
Also it's just those plants all the other plants are doing great in the tank. Not being uprooted and the leaves all look really healthy to from Tom
What plants are they?  Many times, newly added plants will shed their leaves (what is referred to as 'melt') when added to a new tank, as many plant sellers grow the plants emmersed.  It generally allows the plants to grow faster and bigger that way for sale, but the plants need time to acclimate to underwater life again.
I'm not sure what the plants are they are the leafy ones in the right back hand corner of the tank. Also the plants have been in there a good 3 weeks and all the other plants in the tank are growing it's just these plants that are suffering from Tom.
I think it's cabomba. It just does drop leaves for a while when you get it; annoying, but it should stop once they've settled in (unless it just dies! aquarium plants do that sometimes, IME!).
It could be worse; I tried some hornwort from the pond in one of my tanks. Looked fine for the first day but I switched the light on the next day, and it had dropped all its leaves; my tank had an inch thick carpet of 'needles', like someone had dumped a sick Christmas tree in there. Took me days to syphon it all out 
I can't find a picture of it online but it's not cabomba. Also how long does it usually take for a plant to settle in. I am trying to find some where that sells dwarf hair grass in the uk either online or in a shop. Does anyone know where I can get some from. From Tom


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