Angelfish Fungus 6 Week Tank.


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Dec 8, 2013
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 I will with saying thank you for any comments and advice.
Secondly I am not new to fish keeping, I first started with coldwater, then tropical, had angel before, 9 years ago, then I moved onto marine and managed the same clownfish for 7 years until left home and had to lose them :(.
Anyway 3 years on I decided to start a tropical tank and I fixed up a nice 4x12x12 tank with living plants and then I added 4 angelfish and a pleco, there were doing great I got a test kit and then 2 weeks later I went to the local shop with a water sample, everything was fine so I added 6 Praecox Rainbow, one I instantly noticed had a problem with it's tale it was too short... (damaged I guess). Should have looked better at the store.... (idiot). That one died, then I notice another looking just isolated and down, that one died with no obvious signs of external infection. Another was an accident with an overflow device I fitted. So I am now left with 3 healthy looking rainbows....
However not my angels, they have fungul growth ever since that first rainbow death. Both on the fins and body and now even the other two which seemed to show no signs, whilst the other two did have today got some pectoral fin receding.
I have been using pimafix and melafix, which doesn't seem to be helping, it did but now it things are getting worse.
I have test strips and they tell me my water is good all good except the PH around 7.6 is alittle higher than is perfect for these fish. I have bogwood and the tank is heavily planted with live plants????
I'm just angry I cannot help but think if I hadn't got those rainbows, this would never have happened.
One other note, I got the angels from a different store a less commercial store.
So basically I've read salt can work? I can quarantine these fish aswell to treat them which i think I might have too, but I can't help but think my tank is F***ed.
Seems I've fallen foul of the bad retailer :(
I am not sure what to do next with regard to treatment.


  • angel1.jpg
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Thanks for the reply, I headed down to my reliable store today and he sold me this
I let you know how I get on.
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Hopefully that medication will work for you.  As I am in the US I have no knowledge of that particular medication. 
A couple things though.  Did you cycle your tank before adding any fish?  Have you always had the strip tests or did you have a liquid test kit at some time?  Did the store you took your water sample to tell you the exact numbers of the tests it took or did they just tell you everything looked ok?  
Test strips are very unreliable and it is best to test with a liquid test kit.  If you ever get a store to test your water, make sure they use a liquid test kit and that they give you the readings in numerical fashion and not just "it's ok".  Ph is something that as long as it is stable, I wouldn't worry about too much as most fish can handle different ph readings as long as the time is taken to let them get used to it.
How often do you do water changes on your tank and how much water do you change each time?  What is the temperature of your tank?
While the rainbows might have been the cause of the issues you are having, there are other things that might have brought this issue up that has nothing to do with the rainbows.
Hello Wildbetta,
The tank was 2 weeks old before adding fish but I did add alot of planting, nitrite and amonia did not excede lethal levels by any means.
I am aware that strip tests are quite shocking, I just needed a rough idea of water was going on.
The local shop I head to now tested with liquid and all was normal for a 2 week tank with 4 angels and a pleco.
PH is alittle high right now maybe 7.5, but for definate I will be getting a liquid kit.
Water changes  are 25% is 7-10 days. but with treatments things have changed. I am happy now I have approached a dealer that I trust and he wasn't too harsh with me. He was understanding and could see where I came from. tempurature has been raised now to 27-28c.
Trouble is some people.... I mean companies don't care and they'llsell you a tiger.
I have alot of water volume per fish, 20 gallon sump and a 30 gallon main tank.
To be honnest I feel if I had not got the rainbows this would not have happened. Seems after 12 years I'm still a newb.

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