Big Bellied Neon Tetra


Oct 16, 2013
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I brought 6 neon tetras 2 weeks ago turned out there were 8 in the bag when I got home. When they were in the fish shop they were very small and skinny and did not look like they had been fed for a while. Now that I have brought them home I have been feeding them frozen and flake food. Today they got there first live food which was bloodworms. When I looked in the tank about 2 hours after feeding them I saw that their bellies had gotten huge, none of the other fish in the tank have gotten big bellies on them. When I got the fish home they brightened up in colour and at the minute they are still very colourful and active. I wanted to know is this an illness they have or do they just have full stomachs from Tom


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If they are anything like the neons I rescued recently its greedy fat bellies. Keep an eye on them and make sure that they go back down again after a few hours. If they are feeding that greedily change to a tiny amount of food 2-3 times a day rather than one large meal save any future problems.
All my Tetras will keep eating as much as I put in, as Star4 said feed small amounts regularly I feed mine four or five times a day. I use a wide variety of dry foods as I cannot get live foods here without trespassing on some ones land to go to ponds etc.
There bellies have shrunk down to normal size now and I feed my fish 2 times a day from tom
I split what I usually feed them into 2 smaller portions and give them one in the morning and one in the evening from Tom

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