i would say that you should stalk it with just the chilli rasboras, you are able to have a larger number of them if you don't get the neons.
what i would do is heavily plant it, and convert it into a shrimp tank with the rasboras.
and if you want you can also have a beta as your center peice fish. it'll look flashy, giving something to the tank.. then the movement from the rasboras will be great, and if you go with shrimp, your ground cover/movement is tanked and there isn't need for cories.
but if you are keen on having neons, they need to be in a group of 6 minimum IMO, and then there wouldn't been much room for the rasboras if you want to get cories.
so you can have 6 neons, shrimps and a beta. but i would go with the first idea, would look great when everything is together