Advice On Plants Needed Thankyou


Aug 21, 2008
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I have been fishkeeping for 6 years+  however i havent ever been very good at keeping plants
i cant get them to stay planted down or tie them to anything.
I dont use fertilizers and i have tried keeping various 'hardy' plants, but most wilt.
any suggestions???
I don't know what your lighting is, looking at the photo it doesn't seem all that light. If you can't upgrade then I recommend sticking with low light plants.

I've always found anubias coffeefolia to be an easy to grow plant. It does require being tied to a rock or bit of drift wood. This is easily accomplished though using sewing thread. I always use black thread to tie mine. They don't need tightly tied, just enough to keep them in place.
1st off you need to remove the lead and foam, and get the plants into the gravel, at the location you put your plants you may have to build up the depth to about 5cm, with "easy" plants you don't need lots of light, or proper plant food just don't overdo your gravel cleaning, leave some poo for the plants to feed on usually being enough :)
You can also use superglue, or elastic bands, to hold plants to rocks and wood. Java fern is another easy one, like anubias.

Cryptocorynes are also easy and grow in the substrate. You might need to weigh them down with some pebbles around the roots while they root in.

Are you making sure the 'crown' of the plants (that's the bit where the leaves and roots meet) is above the substrate? Lots of plants will die off if they're buried too deeply.

Also, many plants nowadays aren't grown totally underwater and it can take a few weeks for them to adjust, so you do need to give them a chance and not think they've died!

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