Black Ghost Knife Fish Illness Advice


New Member
May 18, 2012
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Hi all
Background - I've had a BGK for 4/5 years since it was 2 inches long, it now lives in a 56 gallon tank with fluval 305 filter, kept at low temp around 21c current water readings are ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 25 (did a 25% water change last night to try and get this down, doing another now for same reason). A variety of other fish in tank, and very little if any fighting occurs, BGK is by far the biggest in there, other 17 fish are in the small category.
Right, 4 days ago BGK comes out of his PVC pipe where he spends all day never coming out until night, he has stayed out of the pipe for 4 days swimming vertically (I assume from reading this must be swim bladder infection) its not eaten until now where i've managed to hand feed peas which it took. its swimming is laboured and clumsy but not spiraling wildly or anything it seems to be in control and is now staying near the heater and if i hadn't seen the clumbsy swimming over the past few days i'd think he was fine just odd that he's now loving being out of the pipe.
the other noticable thing is that he has had a strange white circle on him (picture will follow hopefully) it's not ich as it's to large and on it's own, its very pale, any ideas what this is and whether it could be connected to the sudden change in behaviour?
I've raised the temp as suggested and didnt feed until now where some peas have been eaten (good news) does anyone have any suggetions or advice? All i can do is water change and hope he recovers which seems possible as it seems better (but not healed) today.
Thanks for reading!


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I do hope you know that this tank is much too small for him. He needs a minimum of 200g+ as an adult.
The temperature is way too cold. This is a tropical fish. He'd prefer 23-28C, but not sure what the other fish in there would prefer. What are they?
It sounds like he may have just now gotten comfortable, it's not uncommon to see these guys swim vertically.
I can't see the circle, can you maybe outline it in red? Or could you be referring to the ring around it's tail? Sorry D:
What have you bumped the temperature up to? I'm not sure if heaters put out any..electric signals?
I can't remember what you'd call it, but they can pick up on these and so sometimes you find them hanging out a lot around filters or powerheads.
Here is a useful little form that may help someone figure out what could be wrong:
1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc)
2. A full description of the fishes symptoms.
3. How often you do water changes and how much.
4. Any chemicals and treatments you add to the water.
5. What tank mates are in the tank.
6. Tank size.
7. Finally Have you recently added any new fish?
Sorry if I came off as rude at all. I hope someone can help you soon, as I can't imagine what it may be. It's beautiful by the way. :)
Thanks for the prompt reply!
1. readings are ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 25. PH around 7.2 and the water is medium/hard
2. listless swimming/lots of vertical swimming and resting on plant and wood. not eating well. change of behaviour. white/gray circle in picture is above the flash reflection towards the undulating fin.
3.water changes are 25% weekly (never miss one)
4. i use stress coat in the recommended doses to treat water
5. tank mates are 7 tiger barbs, 3 small plecs, 1 danio, 1 pencil fish, 1 angel, 1 columbian red fin tetra, 1 red tip shark. It's a strange mix due to taking on from a previous owner.
6 size 56g (220lt ish)
7 no new fish, tanks been cycled for over a year. 4 months ago i bought it to replace an old smaller tank so there was some stress during transport (although this did not effect BGK as he was in the other tank)
not rude at all! I do know its to small, I will have to give him away eventually
Thanks again
What are you feeding him? Wonder if maybe he/she just needs a change in diet. Still though not sure what the circle could be. I don't know much about illnesses unfortunately.
I'm trying to help you with what little I know until someone more knowledgeable comes along. Sorry I can't be of more help!
To answer the other questions:
temp is now up to 25c, I have it at 21 as I thought BGK do prefer the lower temps in the tropical range but I am no expert so I will change this if advised.
I read about the possibility of electric currents leaking from faulty equipment and so tested this by turning of the heater for 20 mins but no change occured and as he's never been affected before i ruled it out.
I feed him prawns (he had bloodworms for first few years) and he also takes sinking catfish pellets, he does need a diet change actually good idea :)
His behaviour is definitely not that of a healthy BGK :( I've just never had a fish be ill or off in some way for so many days without obvious signs of getting better or worse.
no worries, any advice is helpful! thanks
Well swimming vertically isn't too odd a behaviour and especially not when it is near a heater in a tank that's too cold for him! 21 really is a bit cold for them, he should be enjoying the warmth more now.
How big is he now? Because he looks a good 10-12" in relation to the heater.. he is simply too big for that tank already...
That aside, can you get any pictures of his white marks without the flash? Being such delicate fish, they are prone to bumps and scrapes that could get either a bacterial or fungal infection.
My biggest worry is with 3 plecs also in the tank, if the 'wound' is almost perfectly round... I would suspect one of the plecs of biting the knife fish. Depends on the plec species but it is a common enough occurrence with a lot of plec species that it wouldn't surprise me either way if one had latched on the get at the slime coat and the wound which would heal up faster on another fish... has got infected.
Whatever it is... a better photo would help :)
Plec bite marks are good working theory for now.
I'm pretty confident that you have stunted this BGK, in suitable conditions they grow like stink, just like my Giraffe Catfish that has gone from a very skinny ~5cm SL to a chunky ~25cm SL since September 2012 (now longer than my Syndontis notata, but only ~5cm body diameter rather than notata's ~7cm). By 4 years, this fish should have easily reached 50cm SL and given their lack of flexibility to turn corners, a 300x100x100cm tank is in order at the very least i.e. something most of us cannot afford or have the space for.
A year or two back, I think it might have been "Mattlee" on here that grew a baby to 50cm in two years and felt the need to rehome this lovely looking fish from a 6x2x2 (180x60x60cm).
The BGK is now 8inches, he seems to have improved overnight as he's now swimming more like his normal patterns, If he makes a full recovery I will have to give him up by the response here, I read a few info threads saying a 56g might be ok although obviously the bigger the better, the main issue is finding someone who can collect it, and then importantly, has the genuine resources to take care of it in the manner it needs. I'm concerned someone will just see it as an oportunity to take a free fish that can be sold on without a care about tank size or knowledge of the fish, and end up in a much worse position. 
The plecs are all 2 inchs (5cm), 2 bristlenose 1 amour plated.
Interestingly the BGK was originally resued by myself from a tank where oscars were trying to eat it, I would never have bought it as I only ever buy fish that are suitable for the tank size, i've just ended up with a tank full of refugees!
Thanks to everyone for the imput and advice, I will get a photo of the tank and fish up after work for now here is a link to a video taken a few weeks ago
Lovely looking fish tho! You looking after it well!
Also nice tank, lots of little hidey holes!
Cheers, its been so healthy for years, its a shame large tanks are so expensive in the UK. Although before I left for work the BGK was back in his pipe as usual so that's encouraging! Hull aquarium declined my offer of a new BGK... anyone have a 3 metre long by 1 metre wide and deep tank in the east mids?
Your right its crazy expensive for a glass box!
There's a facebook page called 'fish for sale in east anglia' that always has big tanks on for cheap. its not east mids but its close!
could anyone identify this white/grey mark? It has a dark boarder around it, skin is not broken. The fish seems to be getting better, ate ravenously this eve. 
(The green spots on the picture are on the glass not the fish)


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could anyone identify this white/grey mark? It has a dark boarder around it, skin is not broken. The fish seems to be getting better, ate ravenously this eve.

(The green spots on the picture are on the glass not the fish)

Did you ever figure out what the patch on your gkf was? Mine has the exact same thing...
Hi hfps and welcome to the forum :)

You probably won't get a response from the original poster because this thread is from 2013.

If you start a new thread and post pictures of your fish we might be able to identify the issue.
Test the tank water and post the results in numbers in the thread.
Tel us the history of the tank (how long it has been set up for, water changes, filter maintenance, what fish you have, how long you have had the fish for, how long the fish has been sick, etc).

The following link has information on what to do if your fish gets sick. It's long and boring but worth knowing. I recommend printing it out and reading it in bed to help fall asleep.
Did you ever figure out what the patch on your gkf was? Mine has the exact same thing...
This is weird....but I just got to this page for the EXACT same reason!!! PLEASE someone who knows problems with BGK HELP US! I don't want to hear about other fish and experience with other problems....just need help with my BGK!!!!! Love this little guy....

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