Help! Sick Clown Loach


New Member
Sep 21, 2013
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I would really appreciate some help from experienced people on my clown loach. He's an elderly fellow - 12 years old. Last weekend I was forced to take him on a 3 hour drive to Wales. Since setting up the tank having transported about half of the water along too his health has deteriorated. He has large white patches covering most of his body (see attached photo).

My suspicions are: a) Water quality - the filter bacteria perhaps didn't survive the move; and b) that the whiteness on his body was velvet. I made a 50% water change and added Interpet Anti-slime and velvet 2 days ago. Yesterday, a day later, he seemed to improve and the whiteness actually reduced on his body. However, this morning he's whiter than ever and he is now hanging near the surface of the water. I fear his days may be numbered but if there's anything I can do to help him I'd like to do so.

So from my reckoning, either the water change or the anti-slime and velvet treatment helped him. So I opted for the water change, and did another 50% change this morning. The problem is that, if it was the treatment that improved his health yesterday, I've gone and removed most of that with the water change.

I've considered Ich/whitespot but his whiteness really isn't spotty - it's large white patches across most of his body.

I'm basically out of ideas but if he survives the day I intend to keep on with the water changes until the filter gets settled in.

Any (informed, thoughtful, anf FAST!) responses very welcome and appreciated.




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Hi Martinofmoscow and welcome to the forums.  Although I cannot help you with this specific condition, it would be worth you reading this thread:-
If you can fill in the basic information then when someone more experienced comes along who can help they will know more parameters of your tank.  Do you have a test kit that measures the usual Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, PH etc?  This will help us work out if your bacteria is working.
EDIT:  If your treatment has been working and you have changed water then you will need to re-dose the new water that you are putting in the tank and follow the instructions to the letter!
I agree with you on the water changes, keep on with those as it has come on so fast after moving the tank. You could try soaking food in Vitazin (made by waterlife) it will boost his immune system and give him extra vitamins to help fight the infection. The trouble with clown loach they can react badly to some medications.

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