My First Disaster


Fish Botherer
Dec 8, 2012
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I came back from holiday on Saturday to find that my fry tank was completely black with algae.  Upon inspection it seems that the timer got stuck and the lights have been on constantly while I was on holiday all week!  Poor fishies :(  The neighbour who came to feed them didn't notice and didn't realise that the algae was abnormal!
I decided to empty the tank, re-scape and give everything a good clean.  I moved the fry into the hospital tank with their filter and left them in there overnight while the re-scaping was in progress.
In the morning, one 2-month old fry was dead in the hospital tank and the rest were huddled into corners or hiding in the floating plants.  That's my first fish death in over 5 months since I started :/
Another two fry died after I moved them back into their newly rescaped tank and a couple of others are looking ropey.  I think they must all be stressed to hell and back with all the light and moving around.  I fished out two of the bodies but the other has disappeared so I will have to hunt for it tomorrow.  I don't want to disturb them any more today after all they've been through.
I'm just crossing my fingers that the rest survive the night and settle back into their new home.
Oh no!
Sorry to hear that!
That seems to empathise that non aquarium people should not really care for any tanks, after hearing a few stories on this forum about people who had good intentions do not realise what happens when they overfeed, not notice any abnormalities through no fault of their own really, they had good intentions so should not always be blamed totally when that happens.
It a shame when it does happen though.
Make me wonder though when we go on holiday for 2 weeks in future, who's gonna care for my tanks. Hmm. 
Really hope the remaining fry pull through and resettle and back to their normal selves in a day or two.
Fingers crossed for you.
Oh dear! 
  fingers crossed that everything settles down and is OK and that they all regain their health  
Oh no!! I hope everything turns out okay.  Poor little guys :(
My family is making me go on a week vacation the end of this month, and I'm terrified for my fishies, and my mouse.  I have a very strict feeding schedule, and it can be hard to follow.  
When I had a tank with goldfish in it and I went on a week long holiday I put in one of those vacation feeding block things. When I came back one of my goldfish was dead. Has anyone got any experience with these feeding blocks and is that what killed my goldfish?
Liv15 said:
When I had a tank with goldfish in it and I went on a week long holiday I put in one of those vacation feeding block things. When I came back one of my goldfish was dead. Has anyone got any experience with these feeding blocks and is that what killed my goldfish?
More than likely, yes, they really pollute the water.
it always happens when you go on holidays, sorry to hear and good luck
Sorry to hear that Daize.
What type of timer do you have?
Perhaps there was an ammonia spike in the hospital tank. Often the substrate and even algae(or especially plants) consume a lot of the ammonia so the filter may be just holding bacteria for the remainder only.
Yeh, what type timer did you have? This would be helpful to other people because if it's faulty people know not to buy that particular brand and it could prevent anything happening like this again. And good luck, hope everything goes okay with your fry.
Ugh, looks like my other post never made it?

How are things Daize? Are the fry coping?

These disasters always happen in our absence, so annoying.
Thanks for the kind words everyone! 
11 fry out of the original 15 were well enough to swim around a little at breakfast time this morning so I'm hopeful they may pull through.  Some are looking a bit perkier, others are still resting in the floating weeds I gave them.  Two are still missing, one of which I know is dead somewhere.
Ammonia and nitrite were both clear this morning so that's good news.  I know I should get the dead body out but I'm loathe to start pulling out hardscape again, I'd rather let them rest as long as possible.
The timer is a Kingavon mechanical timer but there's no fault with it really - the plug was simply too big and had jammed up against the dial and preventing it from turning.
The 11 survivors are all swimming and looking a lot better now.  I had a quick look under the tree stump for the missing fish but there's no sign of them! 

Before & after shots of the original scape
Blimey! A marked difference between the two pics. Wow! 

Hope you manage to get the condition back to the crystal clear water tank again soon.
Am sure things will turn out just fine with the remaining fry, probably more resilient than you think!
Do post a pic again when all up and running to your satisfaction and of the new fry as well of course! 
Thanks, the tank is looking clean again but several of the plants were damaged and parts of the tank are looking a bit bare.  I need to think about how to fill the gaps!
I've also taken the 'mountain' down and I'm trying for a more natural effect with rocks scattered around the floor this time.
Lots more plants :D

Good luck, and look forward to seeing updated pics :good:

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