How Long To Keep Platy In Breeder Tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 6, 2008
Reaction score
Mauchline, Scotland
I moved my Mickey Mouse platy to a breeder tank as I was certain she was pregnant.

She had black spots at her rear, the bottom of her belly went flat and her anus (I believe) became protruded.

I moved her into the breeder tank about 10 days now and there's no sign of fry. :(

The first few days she was quite agitated, although she has calmed down now since I added some plant leaves to the breeder tank.

My question is I'm wondering how long to leave her in there and, also if she is actually pregnant. I'm aware the gestation period is between 3-4 weeks in platies, but I'm also keen to avoid stressing her out and losing her.


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well if your worried about her well being id take her out, the problem with breeders is that there very stressful for the fish. looks like shes pregnant but maybe 3 days to birth?
Yeah that's my concern. I don't want to lose her for the sake of some fry.

But then again I've never managed to successfully trap a female in a breeder before and have fry. Any fry I've brought on in my tank I've scooped out with a net and put them in a breeder tank manually.

With my dwarf frogs in the tank now I fear they are eating any fry that are born.
well all i can say is keep an eye on her and if you see her showing signs of going into labor, IE on the bottom of the tank, not moving that much than move her in  the breeder.
She's still in the breeder tank, eating as normal and there's no fry as yet.

Starting to wonder if I have a pregnant platy in the breeder now. :-S
hmm well... if shes not preggers than shes bloated but im not sure of that... keep wtching i guess.
I have sunburst platys (5) and I have personally seen them eat the fry in the main tank. I'm not trying to breed so I haven't been concerned but platys do eat their own id be more worried about them then the frog ;).
What is the gestation period for platies as she's still in the breeder and no sign of fry.

Considering letting her back out and calling it a failed attempt at fry :(
well if you think thats the best then you should do it, dont stress it any longer.

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