My 210 Us Gal

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Mostly New Member
Jun 22, 2013
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Hi so in my 210 US gall tank, i currently have 3 SD, 2 albino Oscars (5 inch) 1 tiger oscar (4 inch), 2 tiger oscars (2 inch) 1 albino pleco (6 inch) 1 parrot cichlid (5 inch) and 2 albino senegal bichir (5inch)

I was wondering if there is any suggestions on how to make it more "amazonian themed" 

The plants in the aquarium are actually whole vegetables which i bought from the market, thoroughly cleaned and placed in the aquarium for my SDs and other fishes to munch on. 

I know that the bichir does not beling in an amazon set up but for now its got no other place to call home. The parrot cichlid i bought by accident... Im not really into hybrid fishess but oh wells at least its South American Hybrids!

Any suggestions, comments???


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haha thanks. What kind of set up do you have?
haha one problem i had with a tank that big is finding a hood for it. I didnt manage to find one and luckily my fish do not jump out of the water. Without a hood i also couldnt have any lightings so i custom made that hanging light to help light the aquarium. 
Am wondering about those Oscars, I know this sounds ridiculous but 150 gal is the right size for 2 oscars, you have 5 which would (according to my math..) require about 375 us gallons. Along with everything else in that tank I think you might have some issues down the road

But, it is a beautiful tank!
right. I think ive got that part figured out. I live in a tropical country and I've got a pond which i can move my oscar to when they grow large enough. Right now they're still pretty small for the pond. Theres nothing in the pond at the moment. 
Oh great! That sounds like a pretty solid plan :) I like your tank, are you planning on putting any tall plants (besides the vegetables! haha) in there?
hahah yea if i can find any. Sorta hard to find large aquarium plants in LFS in malaysia. Seeing how rare they are, i might not put them in with my SDs. 
When you say SD are you talking about the Sengel Birchers? I know what you mean about hard to find plants, even here my LFS doesnt have great plants.. they add a lot to a tank when you can find them!
SD is in reference to Silver Dollars. I heard these fishes munch on plants like theres no tomorrow hahha. So far ive seen that my pleco is the veggie destroyer. By the next day most of the veggies are already shredded and i can see my pleco munching on its leaf 24/7

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