My 120 Gallon

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Jul 1, 2013
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So here are some pictures of my 120 gallon tank.  Be nice its my first real try at a tank, and I am going for live plants.




Mystery Snail


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Nice pictures. For a tank so large I definitely want to know more about it. What fish? I want more pics too please. :D
So right now I have Black Skirt Tetra, X-ray Tetra, Pair of GBR, Panda Cory, BNP, Rubber lipped Pleco, 2 DG, Bala, Bosemani rainbow, another tetra but the name escapes me right now, 2 yellow mystery snails, and I have the last of the fish coming in tomorrow, 4 quarter size Albino Platinum Angels.
Think that will be plenty for this tank.  I did just start up my 30 gallon tank again at wife's request, put it in the bedroom.  Any stocking ideas would be great, it's a 30 gal tall.  Was looking into doing maybe 2 dwarf cichlids and then a school of something compatible.  She wants everything to be colorful, started talking salt tank and I am not ready to do that yet.
Alright my Angels finally came in.  I was getting worried they were supposed to be here Wednesday, then tracking changed to Thursday.  I noticed the package hadn't moved from one USPS site in over 15 hours.  I sent a "polite" email to USPS requesting status on my fish and why they were coming in several days late.  Got a call first thing this morning.  Gorgeous fish, Ill post pics tomorrow, letting them settle in tonight.
Ohh also added an upside down catfish, wife went goofy when she saw it while I was getting more plants yesterday and I wasn't leaving the store without it.
Plants in tank right now are:
8 Jungle Val
10 Italian val
2 anubias I attachd to the driftwood
2 green anacharis planted 2 floating
2 bunch red anacharis planted
1 melon sword
2 myrio red
5 dwarf hair grass
4 wisteria (2 larger, 2 are clippings I planted)
2 amazon sword
3java fern
2 lace fern
1 red ludwigia
2 red temple
2 moneywart
*****Still need to get some moss but I haven't found any Flame moss that has looked worth picking up yet.
Other décor consists of two large lace rocks, 5 smaller lace rocks, 5 misc rocks, two pieces of drift wood.
I am running a SunSun canister filter that does 520 gal/hr w filter pad, ceramic in one tray and carbon in a second.
Coralife 256watt PC light set up - 4 65watt bulbs - 2 are 6500k daylight and 2 are 10k atinic blue (runs about 10 hours a day, first two hours one of each bulb is on then the next 6 all 4 lights on, last two hours shut off the first set of lights.  I have one daylight and one attinic so that the east side of tank gets "sun" first then full sun then the west end of tank gets last couple hours of "sun". Yup silly I know.)
6 ft strip of moonlight LED
400 w Visi therm
 802 powerhead
wow love to see pics of angels and usd catfish keep updating us 
If you can get the USD Catfish to come out and pose Ill take a picture.  Wife had to have him and now walks around the tank for hours asking me if he is still in there.  She heads to bed and I start turning out the lights and he comes out lol.  He is more reclusive than my BNP or Rubberlip Plec.
More Pics

angels - 4 quarter size platinum albino arrived two days ago

3/4" BNP

Tank pics


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I need to find a way to get my USD cat and rubberlip plec to pose so I can document their growth as well.



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Ok now to list the livestock:
5 Bala Sharks
1 Neon Blue DG
1 Flame DG
1 pair GBR
1 pair Praecox rainbow
2 female Bosemani Rainbow (All the rainbow were saved from a neighbor who just wanted to toss fish out)
5 Panda Cory
1 Rubberlip Pleco
2 USD catfish
2 Mystery Snails
6 Serpae Tetra
6 Black Phantom Tetra
5 X-ray tetra
5 Harlequin Rasbora
4 Albino Platinum Angelfish
I feed them a mix throughout the week.  Flake, dried brine shrimp, dried blood worms, frozen brine, frozen blood worm, frozen tubiflex worm, pemysis.  I drop 3 hikari wafers in once a week and I put some fresh vegetables tied to a rock in 3 times a week though no one seems to be eating on what I have tried so far.  (Zuccinni, cucumber, spinach).  I will try some sweet potato, blanched carrot and some lettuce this week.
I am doing a 20% water change once a week.
Bristlenose Pleco
Panda Cories

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nice pics i do have one problem though the bala sharks will outgrow that tank and really need a 175 gallon
Tank Pics

This is after a couple revamps of the aquascaping.  So far I think I will like this one the best once the plants fill out a little more.

ncguppy830 said:
nice pics i do have one problem though the bala sharks will outgrow that tank and really need a 175 gallon
Yup I have had a couple people comment on that luckily my wife loves the tank and wants a salt tank.  Going to get a larger freshwater in the future then sell this one to buy a nice cube salt set up.  Though the only thing a 180 gallon will add is wider and taller.  This tank is 72" x 18" x 24".  I am hoping to be able to do a 200 maybe slightly larger we will see here in about a year.

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