Fish Fanatic
So yesterday we caught my 4 year old boy sharing his fig newtons with our fish. I netted as much as I could and did a large water change of about 50% to try and siphon out the rest.
This morning I found both of my snails and one Cory dead, the water was cloudy so I took a sample and while the tests developed I did another water change, this time I only left about 4" of water in the bottom of the tank.
Water tests came back with 0 ammonia and nitrite and 20ppm nitrate. I temperature matched the new water and treated it with stress coat+.
So as of now I've lost all of my snails, 3 corys, all of my platys, all but 4 fry and my sword tails are gasping at the surface.
Can anyone suggest anything more I can do o save these fish or is it a lost cause?
This morning I found both of my snails and one Cory dead, the water was cloudy so I took a sample and while the tests developed I did another water change, this time I only left about 4" of water in the bottom of the tank.
Water tests came back with 0 ammonia and nitrite and 20ppm nitrate. I temperature matched the new water and treated it with stress coat+.
So as of now I've lost all of my snails, 3 corys, all of my platys, all but 4 fry and my sword tails are gasping at the surface.
Can anyone suggest anything more I can do o save these fish or is it a lost cause?