Fish Addict
The purpose of this thread is
1) to let you guys know what kind of mess I made, and
2) to get some ideas of what would be best to do
I have a 10 gallon tank and a 40 gallon long tank! Both planted, one play sand, the other black eco-complete substrate.
The 10 gallon was my Betta tank:
1 Betta
7 Kuhli Loaches
about 20 Red Cherry Shrimp
The 40 gallon was what I called my South American Tank:
6 Otocinclus
7 Pygmy Cories
20 Neon Tetras
I'd given away my Rummy Nose Tetras to get some Neon Tetras that my husband wanted. After a few months they showed signs of being sick, I lost quite a few of them, they lost their vibrant colours, white patches appeared, their bodies getting funny shapes like there were growths in their tissue. I learned that it may be Neon Tetra disease, so I decided to separate them from the others. I switched them with all the inhabitants of the 10 gallon. I now have 8 neons left in the 10 gallon, but they are not doing so good!
Now the 40 gallon looked pretty bare and hubby didn't have to twist my arm much for me to agree to get some new fish. I decided to get some Harlequin Rasboras, these are the fish that I fell in love with at the very beginning when I started the hobby, but the 10 gallon was too small for them.
The problem is, we have a lot of things going on at home, with one adult child having moved back home from University, another moving soon out with his GF and into their own house, lots of extra having an injury...anyways, we plunked the new fish into the 40 gallon without quarantining them (I do have a 5 gallon QT sitting in the tank cabinet) and now I'm in the process of treating the tank for ich using the heat/salt method. (no smiley available that slaps itself on the forehead)
Since there are Kuhli Loaches in there I am going with half the recommended salt dosage. Is this the right course of action?
And finally, what I am debating with myself is, should I keep the otocinclus and pygmy cories or rehome them? I could offer them to my son who is moving out and will be taking my 10 gallon with him, but he is rather looking forward to getting his own Betta.
Can I keep them or is my 40 gallon tank, (48 inches long, has 2 AquaClear 50 filters) over stocked as it is now?
1 Betta
7 Kuhli Loaches
14 Harlequin Rasboras
7 Pygmy Cories
a colonie of Red Cherry Shrimp
Looking forward to your answers! Thanks for staying this long to read this!
This is the 40 gallon before the addition of the Harlequin Rasboras
1) to let you guys know what kind of mess I made, and
2) to get some ideas of what would be best to do
I have a 10 gallon tank and a 40 gallon long tank! Both planted, one play sand, the other black eco-complete substrate.
The 10 gallon was my Betta tank:
1 Betta
7 Kuhli Loaches
about 20 Red Cherry Shrimp
The 40 gallon was what I called my South American Tank:
6 Otocinclus
7 Pygmy Cories
20 Neon Tetras
I'd given away my Rummy Nose Tetras to get some Neon Tetras that my husband wanted. After a few months they showed signs of being sick, I lost quite a few of them, they lost their vibrant colours, white patches appeared, their bodies getting funny shapes like there were growths in their tissue. I learned that it may be Neon Tetra disease, so I decided to separate them from the others. I switched them with all the inhabitants of the 10 gallon. I now have 8 neons left in the 10 gallon, but they are not doing so good!
Now the 40 gallon looked pretty bare and hubby didn't have to twist my arm much for me to agree to get some new fish. I decided to get some Harlequin Rasboras, these are the fish that I fell in love with at the very beginning when I started the hobby, but the 10 gallon was too small for them.
The problem is, we have a lot of things going on at home, with one adult child having moved back home from University, another moving soon out with his GF and into their own house, lots of extra having an injury...anyways, we plunked the new fish into the 40 gallon without quarantining them (I do have a 5 gallon QT sitting in the tank cabinet) and now I'm in the process of treating the tank for ich using the heat/salt method. (no smiley available that slaps itself on the forehead)
Since there are Kuhli Loaches in there I am going with half the recommended salt dosage. Is this the right course of action?
And finally, what I am debating with myself is, should I keep the otocinclus and pygmy cories or rehome them? I could offer them to my son who is moving out and will be taking my 10 gallon with him, but he is rather looking forward to getting his own Betta.
Can I keep them or is my 40 gallon tank, (48 inches long, has 2 AquaClear 50 filters) over stocked as it is now?
1 Betta
7 Kuhli Loaches
14 Harlequin Rasboras
7 Pygmy Cories
a colonie of Red Cherry Shrimp
Looking forward to your answers! Thanks for staying this long to read this!
This is the 40 gallon before the addition of the Harlequin Rasboras