I set up this tank mid february and truth be told I didn't know anything about cycling and listen to advice instead of doing research. After a couple of weeks I noticed the fish weren't acting very well so I checked the water, saw there slightly was high ammonia, and changed it again. At this point I still didn't do any research 'cause I erroneously thought keeping fish was super simple. Anyway I feel bad about it now but I guess I was poisoning them a bit. About a month ago, one of our platy's had fry and then almost immediately died. I checked the ammonia and it was .5. At this point I started doing weekly water changes and figuring out what was wrong with the fish and added a heater. SInce then we've been doing weekly, or bi-weekly if we screw something up and the parameters get out of whack, water changes. One of our other guppies looked like she was going to have fry and became really agitated and her gills looked inflamed. I checked and again the ammonia was at .5, nitrites 0, nitrates 20. I did a 50% water change and she seemed much better even though she did absorb the fry. That was about two weeks ago. The day before yesterday I noticed some hydra in the tank and I was a little worried as there is a four week old fry in the tank so I got a small sparkling gourami. However before putting him in I noticed that the guppy, the previously sick guppy, had a red splotch on her head, like a blood blister or something that had lifted the scales on her head. I pulled her out and put her in a gallon tub with fresh water and some hornwart. I gave her some food which she did not touch, and since she started to have trouble swimming I gave her a pea, which she pecked at. Today I changed the water and she looked better, however this evening I checked in on her and she was dying. Her pectoral fins were shredded and had red streaks on them. Unfortunately it is too late to save her, but I would like to know what killed her so my other fish can avoid the same fate.
SO what is my guppy killer? Was it the previous exposure to ammonia and she just didn't get over it? Can small hydra kill adult guppies? Was it some bacteria or something else I don't know about?
I am all ears. Thanks so much.
Tank size: 20 gallons
tank temp: 76*
Volume and Frequency of water changes:
50% once, or twice a week depending on the parameters
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Just conditioner, quiet flow filter
Tank inhabitants:
1 zebra danio, 2 male guppies, 3 female guppies, 1platy, 1 fry that hid so well I didn't see him when I pulled out the others. (There were 4 females and 2 platy at the start of the tank).
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
Added a Sparkling Gourami to kill the hydra, but I didn't put it in the tank until after I pulled the guppy.
Exposure to chemicals:
Oh and the tank has a bunch of hornwart, some red wisteria, vallisnaria, and mondo grass
SO what is my guppy killer? Was it the previous exposure to ammonia and she just didn't get over it? Can small hydra kill adult guppies? Was it some bacteria or something else I don't know about?
I am all ears. Thanks so much.
Tank size: 20 gallons
tank temp: 76*
Volume and Frequency of water changes:
50% once, or twice a week depending on the parameters
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Just conditioner, quiet flow filter
Tank inhabitants:
1 zebra danio, 2 male guppies, 3 female guppies, 1platy, 1 fry that hid so well I didn't see him when I pulled out the others. (There were 4 females and 2 platy at the start of the tank).
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
Added a Sparkling Gourami to kill the hydra, but I didn't put it in the tank until after I pulled the guppy.
Exposure to chemicals:
Oh and the tank has a bunch of hornwart, some red wisteria, vallisnaria, and mondo grass