90 Liter Fluval Roma, Dont Know What To Do Next :s Ideas


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Feb 17, 2013
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Hi i have a new 90 liter fluval roma aquarium, i have added 5 liters of colombo flora base and don't know what to do next. i would ideally like to create a planted aquascape but never done anything like it so need some advice, tips and ideas. it has an aquamanta efx 300 which has a maximum 1100 lph flow rate. The lighting is a 2x bulb system, 15 watts per bulb. if any more info needed i will happily answer what i can thanks for any help :) :)  DSCN7556.JPG
get some wood and/or rock in there :D then if you want plants in there too this will give you something to build around! well I find it easier that way because then I can look at my tank and go 'right this type of plant can go here, and this type can go there' you get my drift

or if you meant just plants as in plants and nothing else then why don't you research some plants you like for the background midground and foreground sections and try and picture what you want it to look like and what plants will look good in what place. I hope I can be of some kind of help in some way :p im probably just talking rubbish lol

You've got awesome filtration for the tank, and decent lighting, so you've got a fair few options. You could get some bogwood, attach some Java Moss to it, or some mini landscape rocks if you want to try and make a really nice aquascape. Try YouTube for some aquascaping ideas, there's plenty of tutorials. Some ideas for plants are Anubius, Crypts, Amazon sword (pretty big but could look effective), also Hygrophila looks great.
Do you know what you're going to stock the tank with yet? You'll need to cycle the tank, preferably before you add fish; here's all you need to know about that: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/113861-fishless-cycling/ . Sometimes it's good to add plants to a cycling tank, because they feed on the toxins that you don't want, but do this late in the cycle.
I'll be interested to know what fish you're going to put in there :)
Hi, thanks for the replies :) I have read the fishless cycling thread but don't know where to find ammonia :s so instead I did a water change and filled it with water from an old tank (already cycled) that has fish in. i also moved half the filter media from that tank into the new tank and let it float around... i don't know how much difference it actually made but the whole thing has meant that now after doing water tests the ammonia and nitrites have reached 0ppm and the nitrites 30ppm. anyway i played around with some ideas for the hardscape and this is what i came up with.... 


(plastic plant to give me an idea of where i want to position the plants) I'm planning on planting some Eleocharis Mini (1-2-Grow) directly onto the substrate (the brown) Thanks Aviici for the plant suggestions, will look over them at some point :) any more tips and ideas please share :) thanks Dan
Hey, your set up looks fantastic! I really love the use of the two colours of gravel and the slate where it's positioned, very tidy :)
Plants would look great on the darker substrate around the back, but I'm looking forward to seeing what this will turn out like!
Adding old water won't cycle the tank. You are currently doing a fish in cycle with guppies. The rocks look nice and the contrast of different substrate is stunning. I feel as though you need some tall skinny plants at the back and some nice dwarf hair grasss wouldn't go astray in the bottom right hand corner.
TallTree01 said:
Adding old water won't cycle the tank. You are currently doing a fish in cycle with guppies. The rocks look nice and the contrast of different substrate is stunning. I feel as though you need some tall skinny plants at the back and some nice dwarf hair grasss wouldn't go astray in the bottom right hand corner.
No, but the mature media he also put in will IF he crams it in the filter and not just floating in the tank!!

Can't wait to see it planted up, it looks fab, love the idea of the rock placement. Have you superglued them together? I would seriously consider it particularly if you are thinking of getting any bottom feeders or boisterous fish!
Didn't see that. Oops.
Adding media WILL help cycle the tank.
thanks guys, great help :) i've been away for 3 days to find that the fish or flow (presume the pleco from sadguppie's comment) have re arranged the tank :( superglue needed i think....
Oh dear... It should be relatively easy though. Most superglues, as long as the only ingredient is cyanoacrylate, are completely fish tank safe so looks like a weekend job to me!
I used araldite epoxy resin on the arch and cave and that has worked really well so i'm going to use that to stick the 'walls' together, i was wondering whether the elecharis mini i'm planning on planting on the brown substrate will keep it all in place.... thanks again Dan
glued 'wall' and added another, bigger plastic plant to get an idea.....  hope pleco wont disassemble any of the other structures (should be difficult as i've glued most of them)....:)

need to get some sort of black vinyl i think to put as a background....
i was thinking a 'lawn' effect using Eleocharis mini on the brown substrate, some moss on the slate and some mid ground plants (crypts maybe) along the walls, taller background plants to hide the heater and filter pipe thing ( maybe some amazon sword with vallis along the back....

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