My Juwel Lido 120 Aquarium


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
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A community tank. Started in a Juwel Rekford 700 and upgraded to the Lido 120. 
1 Angel Fish
3 Platies 
3 Dwarf Rainbows 
3 Corydoras 
1 Male Dwarf Gourami
1 Female Drawf Gourami 
Video 1 -
Video 2 -
Screen Shot 2013-03-25 at 18.07.23.png 
Blue Platy
Screen Shot 2013-03-25 at 18.07.11.png
Female Dwarf Gourami

Platy and a Dwarf rainbow
HD Images 
Corydora - 
Angel Fish - 
Male Dwarf Gourami - 

Male Dwarf Gourami 2 - 

Dwarf Rainbow -
Excuse the plants near the filter. The platies like to nibble on a few of the plants. 
I've been keeping fish for around a year and a half now! Really enjoying it!
Why only 3 corys? D:
None the less nice tank.
techen said:
Why only 3 corys? D:
None the less nice tank.
Only because they were 3 for £11. There
A special type i can't remember the name though. They only
Had 4 for sale anyway.

I might get some more in the future :)
I've been keeping fish for around a year and a half now! Really enjoying it!
That is brilliant, keep up the good work.  The new tank will be great for you, a lot higher spec.
Only because they were 3 for £11. There A special type i can't remember the name though. ....

I might get some more in the future
 What do they look like, can you post a pic?  Sorry not watched the whole of the videos, let me know where they are in there if you want.
Yes, you can never have enough Corys - I have 3 new ones in Quarantine at present.  Tend to buy mine in groups of three and then make up the numbers.
Can you add your location into your profile, it helps with advice etc.
RCA said:
I've been keeping fish for around a year and a half now! Really enjoying it!
That is brilliant, keep up the good work.  The new tank will be great for you, a lot higher spec.

>>Only because they were 3 for £11. There A special type i can't remember the name though. ....

I might get some more in the future
 What do they look like, can you post a pic?  Sorry not watched the whole of the videos, let me know where they are in there if you want.
Yes, you can never have enough Corys - I have 3 new ones in Quarantine at present.  Tend to buy mine in groups of three and then make up the numbers.
Can you add your location into your profile, it helps with advice etc.

I know the name now. There 'Emerald (Brochis) catfish'
- There should be a pic on the original post.
Just probably going to get around 12 - 15 neon tetras now and I think that will do
Nice tank, looks pretty cool!
If you're getting Neons, be mindful they might become food for the Angel. :p
Yup, and Neons can sadly have Neon Tetra Disease, what about Cardinal Tetras?
^ +1. They've become very week now and are not very reliable fish. The cardinals are a little larger, and IMO have nicer colouration.

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