White Slime Stuff On Sterbai


Fish Fanatic
Jun 11, 2012
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Hi two of my sterbai had this white slime stuff on their sides, I have no idea what it is. I treated the tank awhile ago with myxazin which did nothing then later on I treated it with this anti slime stuff but the medication was an old bottle so I'm not sure if it's still effective! One of the cories only had this very slightly and it has cleared up but the other one has it quite bad. It doesn't seem to effect him and he swims around and feeds normally with the other cories like its not even there so could anyone help identify this with possible causes thanks.


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I am not sure, but for that I would get an antibiotic of some kind. Looks like very bad case of either columnaris or similar bacterial infection.
Hi, I dont think I can get anything with antibiotics in the uk. Should I try the velvet slime stuff again its just I have to isolate the cory in a small tub as I dont have a spare tank atm. The medication is harmful to snails and shrimp and I have a few so it would be to risky to use in my tank. thanks
If the medication is harmful to snails and shrimp, it can be harmful to corys too. They are one of the sensitive fish when it comes to treating so be careful. There's lots non-dangerous medications out there.
If you are isolating the cory, make sure there's plenty of oxygen and no ammonia.
I've never seen velvet to be honest. It shouldn't look like this though from what I've read.
The medication that I looked at recently which is a broad spectrum antibacterial, albeit not an antibiotic, but harmless to inverts, filter and all, is JBL Furanol 2.
hi thanks, the medication is harmful to inverts as it contains copper it doesnt say it will effect anything else and is filter, plant and fish safe. The instructions are a bit vague and says if the fish has a whitish film, gasping, irritated or has clamped fins. looks like a white film (slime) but thats all Ntlab medication has about the signs to look for. I had a quick google and JBL Furanol 2 is not listed under google shopping or ebay-uk so I doubt I could get it easy in the uk. The main manufactures I know are NTLabs, interpet and waterlife which are the main widely available meds I have seen stocked in the lfs. I have a bottle (used) Myxazin by waterlife that is a Fin Rot & bacteria it didnt cure it before but I could give that another go I guess.

If its just one fish, and you think it will help, it's your call. Just make sure you don't use this container for shrimp anymore as once you treat with copper, no more shrimp in there. I looked at the JBL and it's strange that it isn't available in the UK. The brand seems very popular in Ireland.
Good luck with the treatment. Hopefully the cory recovers. I'd start as soon as possible as this is eating into his flash.
thank you, I will start the medication straight away, I have 4 litre's of water in a tub with a heater and a small dosage of anti bacteria and will change a litre a day which I think should keep the water in check. I dont plan on using the tub again as its just an old 5L water container with top cut off and cleaned. Jbl is quite a popular brand but mainly plant ferts and co2 kits is all I have seen stocked. I hope he recovers too he doesnt seemed bothered at all about it just not much luck in clearing it up


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