Fin Rot Or Ich? Help Please


New Member
Nov 1, 2012
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I bought two gouramis a couple of weeks ago, i noticed the other day that one was covered in what looks like white film/fur all over it. Ive separated it from the rest of the tank and have been treating the water with white spot control, took the carbon filters out, raised the water temp (will only go to 25 c) have syphoned the gravel and have done a part water change, all this over 4 days, a couple of my other fish have only a couple of pin prick sized white spots no white film/fur like the gourami and have seen one rubbing itself on the plants (only a bit though). the sick gourami is not looking any better and just floats looking miserable so im wondering what to do with it? is it white spot or fin rot? ive tried uploading pics but it wont let me do it on here. its body has white fur patches on it and its fins have it also with `clumps` on the ends....not good!

my tank is 180l, has 3 gouramis 3 mollies 1 plec 1 red claw crab and 2 pregnant platys, ive tested the water and all is ok.

any advice would be appreciated
Film/fur? sounds like fungus to me.
thanks. fungus? do you know if mixing medications would be harmful to the fish? especially the pregnant platys. I keep trying to upload pics but its not having it.
Do the gouramis have any salt size spots on them?
Does the white fur on the gouramis look more like cotton wool?
Any red, or pink patches in the furry growths?
Do the clumps of the fins look like clumps of cotton wool?

For now you could try some methylene blue baths.

Add one drop of Methylene Blue for each gallon of water and place the fish in it for ten to twenty minutes. Dips may be repeated up to two times a day until symptoms have subsided. If several fish are affected, treat the entire tank with Methylene Blue, Fungus Eliminator, Fungus Guard, or Fungus Cure.

Don't add the methylene blue to your main tank if you are treating for whitespot.

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