Balloon Molly Cataract?


New Member
Oct 10, 2012
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i woke up this morning to find my pregnant balloon molly with a clump over half her eye. She can still see but is restricted seeing in front of her. I am guessing it is a cataract but i have never experienced a fish with this before.
what can i do about this? I have attached a picture. i apologize for the quality.
2012-10-29 10.28.jpg
oh! and i have a 50 L tank with 3 guaramies, 2 balloon mollies, 4 guppies and one catfish and a few fry.
PH: 7
ammonia, nitrate and chloride unknown at this moment.
Sorry the pic hasn't helped at I can see it well enough.

Does the eye look swollen and cloudy?
Is there any fungus, or cotton wool on her eye.

A link to cataract.
sorry i took it with my phone and she kept moving.
it is just has come white kind of gunk on her eye which sticks out.
it is worse this morning as it has started closing in around her eye. it is not inside the eye b ut on the outside.
i dont knwo if it is fungi but i only cleaned the tank a couple of days ago
All you can do really is isolate the sick fish and use a bacterial medication.

You need to get your water tested. Invest in a liquid master kit. Or take a sample of your tank water to the LFS, and ask them if they would write the readings down for you.

Good Luck.
she died that night. then i woke up this morning and my guarami;s were dead two :(
i am going to replace my water and get some medication tomorrow to treat the water
Sorry for your losses. :rip:

Water changes.
I would get your water tested for now at the LFS. Ask the LFS if they wouldn't mind writing the readings down for you.

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