Best Place To Buy Bettas

what is the best store to buy 1 male betta

  • petco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • petsmart

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • buzz n bees pet shop (usually where i buy/sell/trade my fish)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • a smallish pet shop in the millcreek mall (bought 1 male there before, lived forever, was it luck or

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • a local good place clled sea cave

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters
okay im posting another one in tropical disscusion please vote there if you want to :good:
I bought my betta from a local aquatic shop at a garden center, he was in a tank with other fish (danios, i think) but his fins were perfect (tried to put a photo on my profile pic but for some reason its not showing up). So many shops keep them in tiny cube tanks or in cups, it makes me feel sad seeing them like that.
Really depends on what you are wanting. Thats like asking where you should buy gas from. There are quality bettas at chain stores from time to time, I have some. There are tons of options online for quality fish as well. You just have to look around and see what catches your eye really. Aquabid as already mentioned has plenty of them at all times. Most are overseas but there are still plenty in the US to be had.
i get mine from petsmart just because when i go there i always find one i like! i just looked at the ebay one and wow, are they pretty!! but you are looking at bettas that are no cheaper than... $29.. i mean go for it if you have the money but otherwise it depends on the stores care of the fish :)
i get mine from petsmart just because when i go there i always find one i like! i just looked at the ebay one and wow, are they pretty!! but you are looking at bettas that are no cheaper than... $29.. i mean go for it if you have the money but otherwise it depends on the stores care of the fish :)
please refer to best place to buy bettas in tropical dissussion that where you can really vote
i voted for petsmart on your poll. actually i got a really nice crown tail from walmart, he was like a half moon CT:

i think where ever you get yours it will be fine :)
I think the best one would be what store you happen to go into and see a betta that you like! I did this the other day, was searching online such as Ebay as I missed having one :sad: but with shipping the prices are way too steep for one fish. I can't vote in your poll as I am from the UK so don't shop in those shops but I always think it is better to see your purchase in the flesh too.
Here is my new purchase he's a copper butterfly double tail called cassius :) cost me less than £5!
Moby the Goby 1090.jpg
Moby the Goby 1088.jpg
wow that is pretty cheap for a DT. thats equal to like $8 here and our DT are more like $13 or more :crazy:
go to tropical disscussion and theres another poll to vote in very similar to this and under the same or similar name plaese vote there thanks
never mind a mod closesd it saying "how many of theses are you gonna post?" so guess the places i can get from arent on the list

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