Angelfish Problem


New Member
Aug 4, 2012
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Hi I've got a female angelfish. she was doing allright, but 2 days ago I saw that she doesn't want to eat anything. She breaths hardly and making clear #105### and also hiding in the corner of my fish tank and behind plants. My water conditions are fine. Can anyone tell me haw to get rid of this ilness?
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How nay fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

What does this mean please.


Need to ask some questions to find the problem.

Does the angel look bloated, or thin?
Does the angel fish look pale, or darker in colour?
Is the angel fish leaning to one side?
Can the angel fish maintain it's balance in the water?
Does the fish turn upside down, or head stand?
hat does it look like when your fish go to the toilet?
Is the fish resting on the bottom of tank?
90 litres tank
5 angelfish overall ( not sure about sex )
5 gouramis
6 little red head tetra
I don't have ammonia at all
PH is 6.4
KH mg/l is 100
GH mg/l is 250
Nitrate is 500
Nitrite is 0
It was supossed to say poo.
The fish look like she is pregnent or something. She has got a big belly.
She looks the same. None colour changes.
She keeps at the same position.
She is making a clear poo.
She is hiding behind plants in the corners of the tank, but she's not laying down at the bottom.


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You should only have 2 angel fish in a 90 litre tank.

I don't have ammonia at all.
Not quire sure what you mean. You don't have a test kit to test for ammonia.
Ammonia reading is 0.

Clear mucas poo can mean the fish in not eating and running on empty, bacterial infection, internal parasites.

Are scales sticking out?
What do you feed your fish?
How often do you preform a gravel vac, and water change?
What the brand name of the test kit you are using?
Also test your water for nitrates.

Can you isolate her?
You need to treat with an internal bacteria med.
If she bloated. Epson salt baths to help draw the fluids out.
Shelled peas. But she not eating. So try some food soaked in garlic juice.

Your nitrate reading is extremely high.
I would remove ornaments, and good the substrate a good vac.
Squeeze, and rinse one of your filter sponges in old tank water.
Bless Her.
Sorry for your loss.

You need to get your nitrate reading down as the reading extremely high.
A nitrate reading of 100 it getting bad.
I would remove all ornaments, wood, Rocks, pebbles, etc, and give the substrate a good hoover.
75% water change.
Squeeze one of your filter sponges in old tank water.
Add new filter floss.
Maintain your filter.
Remove dead plants, leaves, if you have live plants in your tank.
Clean glass inside with a scraper.

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