Need Help!


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Sep 29, 2012
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I came home from work today and I noticed one of my albino corys had red spots on it! Im not sure what this is. I tried to do alil research but i'm still not 100% sure what it is. I registered here to see if you guys cold help me out.


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Looks like open wound or internal bleeding. Have you rule out attack by other fish?
I once had a platy, still have him I found him with a big bloody spot on her side, like internal hemorrhage. I had no idea what it was, so put him in a separate tank with melafix. The red went away slowly, but he developed a fin rot on one of the side fins. I kept the melafix treatment and this went away too.

Enteric septicemia is another that comes to my head but not sure yours has the symptoms:

  • Small (2-3 mm diameter), circular, red spots over the entire body.
  • Rash-like areas on body.
  • Bloody areas on base of fins.
  • White circular spots (2-3 mm diameter).
  • Raised reddish area on top of head.
  • Ulcerated areas on top of the head (hole-in-the-head).
  • Protruding eyes.
  • Bloated fluid filled belly (yellowish or bloody).
  • Internal organs and tissue hemorrhages.
  • White pustules in the liver.
the redness is going away as of today. I don't think its being bullied since there are 4 others with no marks plus 4 black tetras and 3 neon tetras. I'm still confused on what it could be. It seem to be going as fast as it came. His tail fin does seem to be withering away also.


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He/she may have injured himself. I have 7 albinos and they tend to shoot around the tank at the speed of light sometimes, landing like an aeroplane. :lol: He seems better, which is great. He may recover without anything, they are tough fish. Just make sure there's no infection and the water conditions are good and in a week or two you won't know which one was injured. I love the albino corys.
I've got an otto that had disappeared from the tank for the last 36 hours. I just didn't believe he was dead as he was so active. Just found him stuck behind the plastic that holds the filter in place and I've never had fish get stuck there since I put this filter a year ago, not even the pygmy corys. His tail is in bad condition but he's alive, although stressed. Hope he survives, poor thing.
Yea, I have a wild idea of what I think might of happened. I was moving my pump to the other end of the tank. As i was moving it, the end fell off and I didn't notice right away. I guess this curious cory got pulled into the open end. I unplug it to put the end back on and thats when I think he got free. Seems to fit the rapid coming and going of these sores.
Yea, I have a wild idea of what I think might of happened. I was moving my pump to the other end of the tank. As i was moving it the end fell off and I didn't notice right away. I this curious cory got pulled into the open end. I unplug it to put the end back on and thats when I think he got free. Seems to fit the rapid coming and going of these sores.

The corys are so nosy. Mine go happily buzzing when I mess up with the tank and stir up some dirt and regularly swim up the siphon tube scaring the hell out of me(it connects directly to the tap using tap water for pressure, so it wouldn't survive the journey.)

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