Pink "fleshy" Sore Around Fin On Whiteskirt Tetra? Tumour?


New Member
Sep 19, 2012
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Hi, as my title says, my whiteskirt has a pink fleshy mass protruding all around one pectoral fin. She's swimming, eating fine. No one else is sick (9 other community fish, including one blackskirt). It's been there a couple of weeks, I just finished a 7 day dosing cycle of Melafix, but nothing improved. I think that the pink color is due to the coloring of the fish itself. I had another whiteskirt about 6 months ago who had something sim(ilar and did not survive. Anyone else had this problem, or ANY IDEA what it could be? I've searched the internet and can't find anything! Could it be a fishy tumour? She's not even 2 yrs old, I believe their lifespan is 3-5.) (My parameters are normal, 30 gallon tank, regular bi monthly water changes). This is a fairly useless picture, but i can't seem to get a clear shot!! will try again tomorrow. THANK YOU!!



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Sorry. Bit I can't make much out in the pic.

Does the pink fleshy growth look solid, or soft and filled with fluid.
Does the growth resemble a cauliflower, or cluster of berries.
Has the growth just suddenly appeared.

Also you should really be doing water change, and maintenance once a week.

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