Blister? On Julii Cory


Fish Crazy
Apr 16, 2007
Reaction score
Rockland County, New York
Sunday morning, he had turned white (I talked about this in a previous post), but had no other symptoms.

Yesterday morning, I thought I saw something along his spine, but it was too small, clear, and he kept facing the wrong way for me to get a good look.

This morning it looks like a blister or bubble of some kind. It's clear, and whatever inside it is clear too.

Tank size: 10g
pH: Don't measure, but moderately high
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 5-10
kH: don't measure
gH: don't measure
tank temp: 78* F

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Sunday, he was white, spots still distinctly black. Mostly normal behavior at that time. Gradually became more listless throughout the week. We presumed because he was lonely. Now, as far as I can tell, he's not eating, and he mostly lies in one spot unless disturbed, and has some kind of blister, or bubble (just the one) near the rear of his spine, on one side.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: once a week 30% water change, plus about 10% once or twice additionally if I see excessive debris.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: No additives, regular hang on filter

Tank inhabitants: 1 male guppy, 2 male endlers, 1 african dwarf frog

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Nothing before this happened

Exposure to chemicals: Seachem Prime and Stressguard

There are no live plants, if that makes a difference.

I know it's hard to see on the picture, but he tends to hide towards the back of the tank, and I had to zoom in in order to get any sort of image of the thing on him. You can kind of see the outline of the thing toward his tail, it's on his left side.

Please help, he's my favorite fish! :sad:


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Does your heater in your tank have a guard.
Are you sure there something inside the blister.

Is the cory showing any of these signs-

Excess mucas on gills, body, or fins.,
Does the cory have a greyish film on his body, or gills.
Does the cory have a white cloudy coating on his body.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
Any signs of erratic swimming or darting.
Any signs of gasping or laboured breathing.
Do the gills look pale, or red and inflamed.
Any red sores, or red pin prick marks on the fish body, or fins.
Do any fish look skinny or have sunken in bellies.
There is no guard on the heater, but it hasn't been on much, so I can't imagine he got burned by it.

The blister now appears to have a small black dot on it, and a small white dot on it, near each other, but not touching. There may be another blister forming in the front of it, but it's hard to tell. There also appears to be a clear strand coming out of the bubble thing.

I don't think there's any excess mucus or film or cloudy coating. His scales do look a bit odd, but I cant really describe it. I don't think they're pie coming, but they look like they could be a little swollen, if that's possible.

There is no flicking or rubbing or erratic swimming, because all he does is lay on the sand. Not on his side or back, but just always resting unless disturbed by a big vibration or fish swimming right on top of him.

His breathing may be faster than normal, but I can't remember what it looked like when he was breathing last week and was fine.

There is no red or pink spots or inflamtion that I can see on any part of his body.

None of the other fish look ill at all. And the rest of them eat just fine.

I haven't seen him eat for a couple of days, at least, and he hasn't gotten skinnier.

Thank you, Wilder! I'm a little depressed about the whole thing. Unfortunately, I have no hospital tank to move him to at this time, and I really want to prevent the other fish from getting sick if it's something communicable.
Ok. Sorry for the delay, Was cooking evening meal.

Heard of spots with strands coming out. But not blisters.
Just make sure the strand dosn't resemble cotton strand, fungus.
Get a Magnifier glass and take a closer look at the blister, on outside, and inside.

I think you need to go out and buy a little hospital tank for him.
Filter, heater.
You can take some mature filter sponge from your existing filter.
The scales do they look swollen underneath the blister. Just check if there any lumps, or
bump benath the swollen scale area.
I understand about dinner, no worries :) . Much as I am worried about my fish, I have three children, and they would take precedence in care.

I moved him into a smaller container so I could get a better view and picture.

Now that I can see him close up, do his scales look like dropsy? Or is it different?

As for the bubble/blister, what do you think?


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Just check his stomach,eyes for swelling,
I would start treating with an internal bacteria med.
What bacteria meds do you have?
Do you have any antibiotics, which are not out of date.
I would start treating with an internal bacteria med.
What bacteria meds do you have?
Do you have any antibiotics, which are not out of date.

Currently, I have no bacterial meds, or antibiotics on hand. Also, while I do have a small tank I can put him in, I can't move any media into it for cycling, since I have a biowheel on the 10g. I did put in a small bag of the ceramic biomax from Aquaclear, but that was yesterday, so I doubt the bacteria has colonized it enough yet...

I took pictures of his eyes and the best I could do for his stomach, in case that helps/matters.


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My eyes are not to good anymore now i'm older, but his tummy looks fine to me.
No bloating or swelling.

I think I would still treat him with a bacterial med.
I would isolate him when using this med. Furanol 2 by JBL.
As it wipes beneficial bacteria out in your filter.

Get you some info on the medication.
Limited to US brands... These are choices listed as bacterial meds that are in the same column as the one you mentioned - API Erythromycin

API Triple Sulfa

Hikari BiFuran+

Mardel Maracyn-Two

Seachem KanaPlex

Seachem NeoPlex

Seachem Sulfathiazole

I don't suppose you know which is the best to use with a corydoras, since I understand they are more sensitive than other fish?

Also, since I I have no way to cycle the hospital tank in time, should I just treat the whole established tank?

And either way, are my other fish likely to get sick from whatever he has?
Sorry. I thought you was from the UK.

You have excess to plenty of meds in the States,.

Maracyn 1, 2, Maracyn Plus.

If you do use antibiotics I would only advise using them in isolation.
Just preform water changes. Adding back the correct amount of med to water removed.

Corys are sensitive to parasite meds. Bazcterial meds are usually fine.

Just preform a few water changes on main tank.
Sorry. I thought you was from the UK.

You have excess to plenty of meds in the States,.

Maracyn 1, 2, Maracyn Plus.

If you do use antibiotics I would only advise using them in isolation.
Just preform water changes. Adding back the correct amount of med to water removed.

Corys are sensitive to parasite meds. Bazcterial meds are usually fine.

Just preform a few water changes on main tank.

I'll do that.

Thank you for your help! I really appreciate the time and effort you've put into answering my questions!
Let us all know how he gets on if you don't mind.

Bless Him.

Good Luck.
Unfortunately, he didn't survive the night.

Hopefully, my other fish will be fine. I have done two water changes since I took him out of the main tank.

Currently, the guppy and endlers seem like they can't decide if they want to be stressed out or not - their eyes keep going from normal to dark and back again. I'm going to keep a close eye on them, and hope for the best.

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