Something Is Nipping My Other Fish


New Member
May 5, 2012
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Hope someone caan help.
Ive had my tank for a few mnths and ive built it up slowly but now something is nipping my fishes tails. This has caused several guppies to die and now a black mollie tail is in a terrible state. Can anyone help ??
What other fish do you have in the tank & how many?
2zebra danio
2female fighter
1male fighter
2 pokda dot molly
2silver molly
2black molly
5black windows
1female sordtail
1male sordtail
And 2unknown
How big is your tank?
I can see a few problems with your stocking.
Can you get pics of your unknown fish?
There's a lot of fish in that list that could be doing the nipping; the serpae and black widows, the danios, the fighter and, of course, 'the unknowns'. We need to know what they are.

I don't want to sound harsh, but your stocking is, in all honesty, quite poor :/ How big is your tank?
The tank is 180 liters and i will upload a pic if i can, how do u upload pic ?
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There are lots of candidates who could be doing the fin nipping. Could be the Siamese fighter - they should not be housed with guppies and males & females shouldn't be kept together. Sepae tetras could also be doing it. Could also be the danios which will be unhappy being kept in such low numbers... Or loaches depending on what species they are because some are quite territorial... Or of course it could be the 'unknown'!
The unknowns are tetra and they where one of the first type in .
I was advised that on all the fish wud ok. What shall i do im really worrid :'(
Fin-nipping may well have caused the guppies enough stress to die, but we can't say for certin that was the cause. You need to fill out the form linked above before anyone will be able to give you the answers you want.

But if you really can't, then tell us:
1) How was your tank cycled?
2) How long have you had it?
I haved the tank for 3-4 mnths. I will fill out the form now
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Tank size: PPROX 180-200LITRES
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 10
kH: 270
gH: 250
tank temp: 27.c

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):All guppies have dies as a result of tails being nipped, black mollie tail is in a state.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 1/3 water change every two weeks

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: i add water safe and safe guard

Tank inhabitants: 2zebra danio
2female fighter
1male fighter
2 pokda dot molly
2silver molly
2black molly
5black windows
1female sordtail
1male sordtail
2 tetra

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 4 rocks, 2 live plants and 5 black widows where added last weekend

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):
Hi Kelly,
Sorry I have not come back to you it was late!

Guppies are known for being picked on as they are slow and have tasty flowing fins. How is your betta? If he is untouched I would guess him to be the culprit.

Guppies are not especially long lived and if they have been in your tank since the beginning and gone through the cycling process then they may have been weakened anyway so maybe they were unable to heal.

I can't give you any advice except for looking at your stocking and consider taking the sepaes, guppies and the betta male or females back or finding someone else to take them on. You then need to up the number of shoaling fish like danios and tetras to at least 6 so they will be happy. Do it slowly so as not to overload the filter. Possibly the loaches too, although you don't say what kind you have - zebras or yoyos should be fine but clowns will outgrow your tank quickly.

I am sorry about your guppies, we have all fallen foul to bad advice from the future make sure you come here and research the fish before you put them in. This website is great, ots of very friendly knowledgeable people come here and help to advise, and I am so glad I found it, it had saved me many a time.
All the fish are untouched other than the black molly, i noticed the male sordtail to be chasing the molly so ive just placed the sordtail into a breeding net to see if this helped at all. The petshop said they would take the sordtail back as a last resort but will not be able to take them all back. My loachs have black stripes on them.
All the fighting fish seem to keep to them selves, do u have any suggestions on where i can sell the fish so i can start again ?

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