

New Member
May 12, 2012
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insect11.jpgHi all.

Can someone please tell me what this is and if I should be worried. I am at the last few days of a fishless cycle and apart from snails this appeared about an hour ago.
Its about an inch long.
Hi all.

Can someone please tell me what this is and if I should be worried. I am at the last few days of a fishless cycle and apart from snails this appeared about an hour ago.
Sorry, my crystal ball is not working today, so I cannot see the insect in question. ;)

Its not one of these is it? They are everywhere at the moment. I soon mince them in my car though.
Ok so you all worked out im stupid lol. pic now attached.
:lol: What the HELL is that?! I'd prefer the invisible one to be honest with you :lol: :p

It was trying to get under the gravel, so dont know if there are more hidden. willing to post to anyone if they want one.
hmmm wonder what it would taste like dipped in much for postage?
Looks like a shrimp, but I think you'd know if that was it.
It's not a damsel fly larva with it's little tails stuck together is it?

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