Do I Have A Gibbicep?


New Member
May 17, 2012
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Just rescued this plec along with some other small tropical fish. The owner seemed to think it was a 'dwarf plec', however after a bit of research I think its a Gibbicep which grow HUGE?!

Does anyone know what it is? Thanks.


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It is a gibbiceps. They're such lovely looking fish and I can see why people fall for them but you're spot on, it will grow huge (if kept correctly).

What size tank did it come in/ what size is it now?
The owner has had it for 4 years and its only 5 or 6". It came in a 60L juwel 600 tank (around 24" long, 12" wide, 15" high). Iv had it for around a week and it doesnt seem to be eating anything. Iv put cucumber on the bottom and a sinking algae disk and he/she didnt touch them. One of the Danios went missing last night however so could it have eaten it?
It might well have eaten the danio, but only if it was already dead. Gibbis are very peaceful.

I do wish people would think before they buy fish like these and leave people like you and I to pick up the pieces; I have one that my daughter and her dad rescued from another two foot tank :( I have it in a four foot/240l atm, as it's only small, while I think what I'm going to do with him.

You could try putting an ad on a site called Aquarist Classified; there are a few people with big tanks who will take them in.
I agree that people should research before buying fish. The owner of this plec was told by the pet shop owner it was a dwarf plec. I dont think pet shop people even know what they are selling half the time.

I will definately have to rehome him as its not fair keeping such a beautiful fish in unsuitable conditions. Will have a look on Aquarist classified and see if anyone will take him off my hands. Especially as im not entirely sure how to look after him properly.

Thanks for the info!
Best of luck with finding him a new home and enjoy him while you have him; they're a gorgeous fish. Plenty of water changes, with warm dechlorinated water and daily testing and you should be fine.

Did you say somewhere else he wasn't eating? Do keep on trying him on fresh fruit and veg; if he's never been fed it, he might not recognise it as food yet. You could try broccoli stalks, split and lightly cooked, blanched lettuce (a nice green one like Cos, thought, not iceberg; there's no goodness in that!) or slices of apple held down with a teaspoon.

Of course, I keep calling it 'he', but it could be a 'she'; there's no way of sexing these fish, to the best of my knowledge.
I skewered a cucumber with a teaspoon and left it in the tank overnight but it just made the tank cloudy and he/she didnt touch it! (iv heard they are difficult to sex too! Almost impossible apparently) and he didnt eat the algae disk either and that started to grow some weird white fluff on :/ . Il try the broccoli thing, think iv got one in the fridge.

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