204 Litres Up And Running!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 27, 2012
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kinda excited my dad thought the tank was a 45 gallon bow front and according to the calculator its 37 (across the bow) long, 16 wide and 21 tall so its 54gallons and 204 Liters!

i decided to heed earlier advice and not only did we not buy gourami we didnt put our betta in as our center peice as well.
after HOURS of dealing with this tank it is completely up and running!
stocked with:
6 rummy nose tetra
6 cherry barbs
4 zebra danio (2 didnt survive the long trip home :( but LFS will replace for us next time we are up!)
2 sterbi cory (4 more ordered)
4 bronze cory (2 more ordered)
1 upside down cat fish (will order more when i can LFS doesnt get often)
1 common pleco (who we will keep until he out grows the tank and my LFS said they want him and will trade us for a bushy nose)
and our center peices are 2 fresh water angels and they are BEAUTIFUL will get pictures of them as soon as i can one is white with black stripes and the other is white with black splotches.

am curious how many more fish we can add to the tank! really want to up the numbers of the rummy nose and cherry barbs for sure and maybe add another school of something (cardinal tetras is what i have in mind) along with adding more corys when the store gets them in for us can someone please let me know if i am over stocked or not even close to being stocked ive gotten mixed opinions thanks!


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I would say you have room for more. I'd personally up the rummy noses to 12 and leave the barbs a 6. The barbs aren't really schoolers like the tetras.
of course it is cycled. my father had it up and running for 8 years, he unfortunately has to move and cannot take the tank with him thus it got passed on to me :)

do have 1 concern though. our water is i dunno it looks cloudy or something, i honestly thought maybe its because my dad didnt take very good care of his glass hood and it has some serious hard water or calcium build up (how can i get remove?) im hoping with after a few water changes of around 40-50% this changes, but im also worried it could be because of a present i received. my mom gave us a chinese dragon bubbler that im not sure has ever seen a tank before, we rinsed it off with hot water and then let it soak for a few hours before we put it in the tank, but all of our plants ect has seen our other tank so im positive it isnt because of the plants or substrate. ideas? i think just to see how it clears up and in the mean time before responses im going to remove the bubbler, the tank has a duel filter on it and i doubt it needs the extra circulation.
If the water itself looks cloudy (white) its most likely a bacterial bloom. This can happen with a sudden change. I doubt the dragon has anything to do with it.
As for cleaning the glass, white vinegar will help, but something like clr maybe needed. Just be sure to rinse well. If its really bad you may have to replace the top. Sometimes no matter what you do you can never get all the build up off.
ok if it is a bacterial bloom how can i get rid of it.. just do water changes often??
Water changes help, cutting back on feeding a few days can help also. Really bacterial blooms usually clear up within a week or so on their own.

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