Sick Angels


Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
London, UK
I've just been away for 5 days and had a friend feed my fish. Have come back and 2 of the angels seem in a very bad way.

Would really appreciate some advice - what is wrong with them and is there a solution?



sick angel 1.jpg

sick angel 2.jpg

Edit - these pics are of the same fish, the other effected one is white/golden. The rest of the tank seem fine.
225l tank 4 months old, well populated. Last ammonia reading zero, nitrate zero, nitrate low. Having been away it needs a water change so will post mire data later.
Nothing that I've seen any aggression from: gourami, male guppies, platties, rams, glass cats, kuhli coaches, sword tails, corys and of course the angels. There are 7 angels.

Any idea to the problem please, is this disease or bullying?
Forgot to say to Terry's earlier question - cycled with a few platties. Does this make any difference to my current problem?
I don't know what that is.....but until you find out, nice big water changes frequently (50% everyday) as clean water is giving the fish the best oppurtunity to heal itself....if that is indeed wounds rather than an infection.
Thanks for the replies, most likely suggestion I have had is ulcers due to low quality water having been away so am doing lots of water changes with more stresscoat than normal - adding enough to treat the whole tank rather than just the new water.

Any other advice much appreciated,

Seeing as you're in the UK, and have the disadvantage of having to get a prescription for antibiotics, I'd add the tap water for water changes, wait a good 10 minutes, then add dechlorinator. The bit of disinfectant in the tank won't hurt your fish or filter, but will help knock back any stray bacteria that may cause future issues.
Seeing as you're in the UK, and have the disadvantage of having to get a prescription for antibiotics, I'd add the tap water for water changes, wait a good 10 minutes, then add dechlorinator. The bit of disinfectant in the tank won't hurt your fish or filter, but will help knock back any stray bacteria that may cause future issues.

That's great advice, thank you. I can turn off the (external) filter while doing this.

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