This is my very first tank :)


Fish Fanatic
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Great Neck, NY.
I'm very very new to tropical fish ;)

My mom could get a fish tank, so i could start doing this hobby.

Anyway, this is my first 10 gallon tank :)

Any suggestion is welcomed. :hi:

Oh.. my tank has tempeature like above 82.

Is there any way to lower the temp or do i just leave it? Would that be okay for neons? just wondering. :X

Oh.. The plants are hygrphilia, java fern, and some kind of anubias. :nod:


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wow :D lovely tank for a starter :D

as for hte temp, it might be a litlte high. have you turned odwn your heater? if you have and it's still that hot, you could try cooling it down by putting a bag of ice in there (don't pour hte ice inot the water, just let it melt in the bag submerged in the water).

I personally don't have neons so i don't know what they're perferred temp is, though i just think it's a litlte high in general :)

what else are you gonan put in there beside tetras?
Very nice :nod:

Can't you just turn the tempature down on the heater? I think 82F might be a little high, but I am sure if there's nothing you can do about it, it will be ok. I keep my communities at about 77F.

Looking at your tank, is that java fern on the right? If so, it needs to be attached to something like a rock or a piece of wood as part of it rots if under substrate. You can just use some thread to tie it and it will soon attach itself and being to grow.
Hm... i don't know. I personally love neon or cardinal tetras because of the glowing color. :)

I'm gonna put black background so the color would look nice.

I might put some cories also. Yep. That's what i'm going to do. :D
i'ts a shame that heaters can't "cool" your tank lol they can only raise the temp :(

cories sound like a nice bottom feeding fish :D how about a betta ;) (not with the tetras tho lol)

female bettas woudl be nice ^^ ghost shrimps? you can always go wtih the usual platy and swordtails type of stuff too :)
I heard that it's not that necessary to put java fern on rock.

Well.. if that helps growing of the plant, i might try. ^_^
myfrint said:
I heard that it's not that necessary to put java fern on rock.

Well.. if that helps growing of the plant, i might try. ^_^
As far as I am aware they will die unless attached to something allowing the rhizome to not be burried. You could maybe have that without attaching it but I am not sure how.

cutecotton - expensive, eh? I am overrun with moss and fern grows very easily. It's a shame that such an easy to grow plant is expensive.
really? my lfs sells java fern for 8.99 CDN each..and it's a TINY litlte plant with half its' leaves dead and dying.

Never even SEEN java moss for sell in my life... -_- i really want some tho, but the plants i have are like 2.99 each and they are growing very well
Same here.

There are no plants and the ones you manage to find are all crap. :grr:
I have a friend that gives me java fern once a month because it is so overun in her tank and it's just sitting on the gravel. She has moss and fern and it seriously takes over the tank once a month. All my fish just eat it. :dunno:
Geez CC, I could send you some Java moss, I have tons of it!!! ;) The only thing you don't want to do is plant JM next to hygrophila. The JM totally takes it over!! Water sprite is an easy to grow one too. In fact, two of my tanks are seriously CLOGGED with it!!! I just scoop it out and throw it away, it's so overpopulated. I've heard bettas love it, it does alot better floating too! :hey:
Well, great tank myfrint!!! That's a great start!! Maybe you could put a dwarf gourami in there, that would be pretty. :nod:
wow :D damn i have to get my hands on some of those!!!! who has java mossssssss and lives in canadaaaaa :whistle:

pssst (sorry to hijack ur thread for two seconds :whistle:) this is a pic of the plant that i have in my tank, i have NO clue waht it is...i know next to nothing about plants, besides the fact that most are green :blink:


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