Moorish Idol & Regal Tang (Dory)

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Hey ya chewy, no probs :).

So far i've spend around 2 grand which is 3,630.41 USD. Mind you I am no where finished as yet :nod: :D

Your welcome :cool:
I hope you know it's almost impossible to keep Moorish Idol alive in tanks..
yes I know, as I said I kept an eye on him at the lfs where he was without any live rock and on a tank size of about 100 litres. He is now on a 240 litre tank with plenty of live rock, which he love to pick at for sponges. He eats fine so far and it's pretty healthy, I hope he keeps it that way... :thumbs: :D


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ARHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOTM Nomination from me!!!!!!! Such a beauty cannot go without a nomination, someone better second it!!

I'll Second that Nom.

WOW those fish are so Amazing.

It makes ME want to Start a Tank when I have the room and the Many Monies It will Take.

You have the Percula Right, Are the Black Ones Just another Type, Those are the Ones I would Have.
Thanks for the noms!! :D :wub:.

Yep I have 2 perculas which are the ornage ones with the white stripes (nemo). The black ones are different to perculas, forgot their name :*) and more agressive thhough.

Dory at last a pic where she isin't blury!


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