Bala With Red Areas


New Member
Mar 5, 2012
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Hello, I was hoping I could get some input on what could possibly be wrong with one of my bala sharks. Some background: 3 weeks ago we treated the tank for Ich at half the recommended dosage and the Ich seekmed to be cured, did a 25% water change as per medication directions. 9 days ago we noticed that the balas started to have cloudy eyes and some fin rot so we treated with melafix at the regular dose and did a 25% water change after a week of treatment as per the directions. Today we have noticed that one looks much better and seems to be completely cured but the second has red eyes and red patches on his body along with some redness on his fins. We are using aquarium salt and they are in a 75 gallon tank with 3 balas (total) some danios, an oscar, and a red zebra (as far as we can tell). Water parameters are the same as they have always been and this tank has been established for 2 years now. We have seen no aggression and everyone seems to be normal except this one bala. Any suggestions?
p.s. sorry for the blurry picture, he is camera shy.


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I haven't had a chance to get it checked but we noticed the red right after a 25% water change that was no different from the rest. Ill get a chance to check it here shortly and let you know.
The ammonia in the tank is at 0, the nitrates however are kind of high. looks like more water changes and fingers crossed...
He has started to float upside down at times. He can still swim around, but he seems more zoned out and will occasionally float upside down or sink down to the bottom of the tank for a few minutes, and then correct himself and swim back to his normal hang-out spot. Any idea if this is a really bad sign?
I am sad to say that he is giving up hope. He has stopped righting himself and is now getting stuck on the filter and in between some of the decorations. I guess it is time to say goodbye. :(

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