How Long Til My Guppy Gives Birth? Help

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Jan 28, 2012
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ive had this guppy for about 3 weeks now and she seemed to be already pregnant when i got her, her gravid spot is getting bigger every day and is quite dark(not very clear in the picture) best i could do because she is abit camera shy! -_-
she is in a separate tank on her own and has been in there for about 5 days and seems fine, eating (not very much the last couple of days) the tank she is in is about 45 litres.
when i was watching her last night i think i could see little eyes in her belly.. not sure if they were but that is what they looked like!
can anyone help me to judge as to when she is going to have her babies? im very excited! :D


  • IMG-20120213-02456.jpg
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Wow, she's huge! I'd say not too long, but I'm no expert, so hopefully someone else will be able to give you a more exact time frame! :D
Any day now I'd say, the less you watch her the more comfortable she'll be.
Have you any plants in the tank as that would make her feel safe too
should i limit the amount of time that i leave the tank light on for?
and yes i have put some plants in one corner of the tank, she seems to be staying in and around them..
also, what do i feed the babies? (i hope they dont all get eaten by her)! :-(
How long do you have them on for now?
I found my guppies used to give birth at night, or in the early morning.
umm.. about 8-10 hours a day on average, i took her out of my 125l tank because i know the other fish love to eat babies!
I'd cut it down to maybe 6/8 until she drops
I tried a few different things when I had guppies and the only thing which worked for me was leaving the light off.
I had 4 female guppies in the breeding boxes on top of the top. (2 fish in each box)

I would cover the front of the tank with a black towel in the morning, then wait until the following morning to remove it.
It worked for me :good:

May not work for you .. but it might be worth a shot.

Good luck :hyper:
A tank with only guppies in it will have a fair number of survivors from each drop. That is how a tank ends up looking like this.

i left the light off from yesterday afternoon til this evening and when i got back from work i noticed that her belly was ALOT smaller so had a scan around the tank and ive found atleast 16 babies! she still looks like she has more to come so ive turned the light back off and left her to it! they are so tiny!

im new to this so not sure how to attach a pic on this message so i will make a new topic with a pic! :)
A picture is easy as can be once you get it taken. That can be a real challenge with tiny fry. You set up an account on some place like photobucket and upload your pictures there. Once your pictures are on photobucket, you copy the IMG code and paste it here just like it was text. This is a terrible picture of one of my cichlids herding its fry around at about 3 days after they hatched.


The little almost clear dots are the fry. If you right click the picture and check the "view image info" you can see where I have stored the picture and a bit about the picture itself.

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