Help Me Save My Jack Dempsey?(Bloat? Pics Inside)


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Feb 12, 2012
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This is our 5 year old Jack Dempsey Gypsy(named because my wife couldn't remember what a Jack Dempsey was). Just fed him and noticed he doesn't look right, his front is bloated and fat. I'm hoping it is intestinal blockage, maybe I can feed him some blanched peas and fix him?

He lives in a 125g tank with an oscar his age and 4 green severums. I'll do a 25% water change tomorrow, but I did a 50% change around a month ago, so I don't think the water is the issue. Hopefully you guys can tell from the pics and tell me if I need to use medication to save him. He was eating fine seemingly tonite, and swam around pretty normal I would say(went right up to the glass to let me have some good pics actually), he just looks like a freak and I'm worried about him.


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