Fish Die Off


New Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Hello all,

I recently just lost over half my population. I have a 55 gallon tank that I've had for years. I believe I did to large of a water change and that probably caused my fish to go into PH shock. The remaining survivors are now swimming near the top or near the filtration system. Any ideas on what this could mean?? I was wondering if it's a lack of oxygen.

How big of a water change? What are the stats of your tap water in comparison to your tank water? What type of fish do you have in the tank? what kind of dechlorinator do you use?
Please fill this out to help us help you;

Tank size:
tank temp:

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):
I normally only do a 25% water change at most but this time I did a slightly larger one. I typically do a water change once a month. I could tell the tap water was a little cloudier than normal. I have Neon tetres, Black neons, Bala sharks, a Boesemani Rainbow, a Axelrodi Rainbow, and some silver dollars. All the sharks died, several of the Neons, and one Silver dollar, which I've had for 5 years!!

Tank Size: 55 Gallon
pH: According to my tester is says its in the normal range
ammonia: UNK
nitrite: UNK
tank temp:73 degrees F

Sorry guys not a complete export here
If you could give us numbers on those test results we could probably figure out what has happened, and what to do.
ok so im new to betta fish i bought one yesterday that i named kaida, he seemed fine last night but this morning he had past away he looked perfect and all i found him laying stuck between a stone and a pebble he never got that close to the bottom or anything so i was wondering why this would have happened i will post a pic of kaida.

if i can figure out how to put it on here
ok so im new to betta fish i bought one yesterday that i named kaida, he seemed fine last night but this morning he had past away he looked perfect and all i found him laying stuck between a stone and a pebble he never got that close to the bottom or anything so i was wondering why this would have happened i will post a pic of kaida.

if i can figure out how to put it on here

What kind of water did you put him in? Did you dechlorinate it? How big was the container? What temperature was the water and did you acclimate the fish to it?
ok so im new to betta fish i bought one yesterday that i named kaida, he seemed fine last night but this morning he had past away he looked perfect and all i found him laying stuck between a stone and a pebble he never got that close to the bottom or anything so i was wondering why this would have happened i will post a pic of kaida.

if i can figure out how to put it on here

What kind of water did you put him in? Did you dechlorinate it? How big was the container? What temperature was the water and did you acclimate the fish to it?

betta pro water its just pour and enjoy in .7 betta cube which is .7 gallon tank water was room temp and yes i had him in his container until the water in it matched the water in the tank

ok so im new to betta fish i bought one yesterday that i named kaida, he seemed fine last night but this morning he had past away he looked perfect and all i found him laying stuck between a stone and a pebble he never got that close to the bottom or anything so i was wondering why this would have happened i will post a pic of kaida.

if i can figure out how to put it on here

What kind of water did you put him in? Did you dechlorinate it? How big was the container? What temperature was the water and did you acclimate the fish to it?

betta pro water its just pour and enjoy in .7 betta cube which is .7 gallon tank water was room temp and yes i had him in his container until the water in it matched the water in the tank
this was kaida so he wasnt sick it didnt seem


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this was kaida so he wasnt sick it didnt seem

I see you had some substrate in there. Did you wash it in tap water? What are those egg shaped things? Maybe your substrate(rocks) carried too much chlorinated water into the tank. Get some dechlorinator and stop paying that ridiculous price for water. You'll be able to change your water much more often (I suggest daily with that small of an amount) making for a happier and much more active fish.

That's really a small tank; you should consider upgrading the size, at least get a heater since they prefer warmer water than room temperature. I'll spare you the sermon on getting a test kit. In this case, just change the water every day and you'll know that it wasn't the cause of any problems you encounter. Just be careful of temperature differences.

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