hamster babies!!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2004
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Hey, this is my first time here, so I have no idea what I'm doing!! haha but i HAVE to explode to somebody... MY HAMSTER HAD BABIES YESTERDAY AFTERNOON!!! i am sooo excited. They are kept at my boyfriends house. The female, Gizmo, and the male, Harley. Gizzy is dark brown and light brown, dark eyes. Harley is beige with dark eyes! They are an adorable couple. They both have different cages. They are well fed, and love to be out of their cage and handled! We have been trying to mate them for about a month or two, and finally succeeded! I cleaned her cage out two nights ago (she was supposed to be due today but came a day early) and felt lumps inside her when I picked her up. I was so shocked at how ROUND she was! I called my boyfriend from work yesterday and he said she had babies!! We thought about 6 or 7 at first. We went out for awhile, came back home and Gizmo was on the other side of the cage eating, so we seen all the babies. I thought I counted about 11. Later on during the evening, after I stayed home and my boyfriend went home, he gave her some lettuce, and she left her nest to go eat it... he thinks he counted 16 babies!! I am so excited and I can't wait til i can handle them! Don't worry, I know all about the hamster babies timeline!! I HAD to share this news!!
thanks!!! i would die of excitement if my cat had babies!!! haha they are adorable! i should be getting some pics soon of the babies when I think its ok to snap a pic. I have it all on video tape though haha its a great experience
heres a pic of my baby, abby


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i will definately post them here!!
this is my first time here.. kinda interesting! going to watch some tv, i keep you posted on how the babies do!!!!!! good luck with the kittens when they come!
You don't fee dthem too much lettuce do you? it will turn them inside out!

congrats on the babies, are they syrian hamsters?
i'm not 100% sure what kind of hamsters they are.. heres a pic of the mommy beside her nest tonight. she burried them when she went to go eat.

no, i dont feed her lettuce often. but since she had the babies i been trying to give her some more healthy stuff so she can make sure she is good enough to feed all the little babies... i should have more better pics soon i hope!!!


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She looks like a syrian! how cute! Cabbage is good for her, and apple, things like that, lettuce is too watery, not too often and it will be ok.

she is cute, have fun with them!
angel_eyes0857 said:
i will definately post them here!!
this is my first time here.. kinda interesting! going to watch some tv, i keep you posted on how the babies do!!!!!! good luck with the kittens when they come!
Thanks! and The mommy is soooo cute!

oh yeah and :hi: to the forum!
thanks alot and so far so good. i went over last night ot see the babies (my mommy and daddy hamsters and newbies are kept at my boyfriends house... due to the nosey cat that i now own!!) and she was keeping them warm, and i was waiting to see them , to see if she moved, and when she did she burried all the babies in the shavings. it was so cute to see her act this way. she is very lovable, i can't wait to start holding the babies!! (i know i have to though)
i will get some apple cut up for her now and bring over this afternoon!! thanks!!! :fun:
Hey congrats on your babies, i had a litter of 8 dwarf hamster babies about 3 weeks ago they now look the same as mum!!! I can't house them all so they are being sold back to the pet shop, unless anyone in the forum interested!!!.

My hamsters like cucumber too!!!! when the babies are 10 days old put some cucumber pieces in the nest and watch the babies suckle on it!! so much fun to watch.

yeah i have some cucumber here for my mommy, she loves it!! i brought over an apple tonight to cut up and give her a few pieces! i brought my digital camera over, but then when i got here i remembered that i saved the pics on my computer at home and deleted it off the camera hahaha duhhh
anyway i'll keep you posted.
congrats on your babies! thats great, i can't wait til i see the babies once they start moving around! i seen them today when i changed the mommies litter box and food. she must have been comfortable enough not to hide them. i think i counted 13.
keep you posted
here is a pic that i just took, kinda blurry best i can do right now


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when i had a hamster i used to take him outside and put him in clover patches. he'd shove his little face full :lol: not sure what the beneficial nutrients of clover are, but at least it made a tasty treat for him.

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