Synodontis Eupterus Featherfin


New Member
Dec 16, 2011
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I love fish and I am always Taking pictures of my fish resting swimming feeding etc, Generally I do not like putting plastic ornaments in
the tanks with fish Had a bad experience once , while having Christmas dinner with my family I noticed that one of our feather fins had taken over
a gift of a roman urn that my Grand kids had given me for Christmas it is such a cool fish and I couldn't resist taking a few pics of it, this is the best one cheers


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Whats the little guy sitting next to him? Is that a plec of somesort?
looks like a bristlenose plec to me.

heres my syno, difficult to get a decent pic of him, hes about 7-8 i reckon without measuring.



hahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:
What do you guys keep the syno with? I am having an absolute nightmare with mine at the moment. If he feels hungry then he will try to eat anything.
I can see your stock listing now underneath the picture, lovely looking tank by the way.

Ar the tetras and barbs doing ok? My guppies and mountain minnows havent done well, neither has one of the platies, i'm having a bit of a nightmare with him to be honest.
Other than one remaining neon from a group of seven - of which him or my angel may have eaten 2 or 3, the smallest fish i have are cherry barbs. Nothing in my tank is under threat of him eating them though. If he could, he doesnt seem to want to. He likes to throw his weight round every now and then, hes my biggest fish. But doesnt get vicious or eat anything else. Also in my first post i meant hes 7-8 inches. Ive had him since a baby.
This is my chunky little guy. I know its a Syno, and I am pretty sure it's an upside down catfish. Confirm anyone?
Im not sure with a high fin like that could very possibly be featherfin or hybrid. Adult UD cats are far far smaller than adult featherfins. How long you had it?
Ive had him for about 3 months. He is about 4 inches long.

Regardless of whether he is a featherfin or UD, he is darn cute and I love to watch him play.
Looks like a featherfin to me, i made the same mistake and thought i had an upside down cat until i started to rapidly loose smaller fish. I researched it and found out it was a featherfin. So be careful if you have smaller fish in there.
No, he is in my SA Cichlid tank :) He gets along with the fish in there. In fact, the cichlids pay him no mind

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