Pictures of Fish & Set Ups ( a few )

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Hmm... thats about 5mb u used the limit isn't working obviously -_- -_- Umm certainly a lot of pictures the space on my server is going to run out soon :p

lol nice pictures though :thumbs:
So am I right in thinking that its a job aswell as a hobby - the shop sells fish? :unsure:

With that many fish it could be profitable, wonder how you buy the food? ton sacks? :lol: :lol:
Yea, I do sell some fish and ship Air Fright pretty much anywhere. But, It is NOT a business though. Not much proffit when you consider what I spend keeping them up and running and the cost of some of the species.

I buy my food in 5lb boxs from a local wholesaler. Normally a box of spirulina and a box of Total Color of Total Tropical. Aquarin , O.S.I, some small pellets are also fed. Yes ! it is pretty expense to keep them running. But I LOVE IT...

you mean i psoted more than the syatem is suppose to allow ? How do you like that, a system glitch. LOLOOL kucky for me... and Maggie she was asking, and asking, and asking, you get the picture. Or picyutrs. LOL
Save some space for the rest of us, eh Danny :p :p :p J/K.

Great pics as always.

I do know how Danny feels about the cost factors though. I keep 135 tanks currently and it does run into a tidy monthly expense.

5lb boxes of food is the only way to go.....

Once I get some time, I will take some pics of my tanks and rack system so you all can see how a fishroom/house is done.

Of course over the last 10 years or so I have re-arranged everything at least 6 times.

Try to imagine if you can moving 135 tanks and racks around 6 times!!! 70 % of them 50 gallon tanks and larger.

Actually I just finished up the last move about a month ago. I was in the fishroom yesterday looking around and think I came up with a way of making more room for more tanks.

The wife is gonna love me. She is the one who usually helps me move the monster tanks.

I know that feeling cichlidmaster. When I moved I had to move all 102 tanks that where filled and about a dozen empties. That was a B*^%$.

First one was the 125 with the stand and canopy. Took three trips just to get that tank/stand/and fish moved. Heck only took me 2 trucks and what 4-5 trips. All the rest 10/15/20/30/30 br/40br/55 all those were alot easier. Thanks to the few friends who helped me move we had only 2 tanks chip. Luckly they were small tanks. a 10 and a 30 long. which are now holding tanks for the fiddler crabs I feed some of the fish.
After everything was moved I thought I was going to die.
So NO I NVER want to have to move all my fish again. The wrose was getting the blower hooked up because I had to move it first. Hook up about 69 air pumps with all kinds of hose and T's. that only took an evening to do. Once the blower was up the funstarted. We did section by section.. Fish in bags water in 5g buckets yanks empty as much as poss.

O, NO flash backs...... :-( :-( :-(

O, found a pic of the old fishroom. This is the fry section. Don't mind the mess. Keep in mind as the years went on the additons to the room went on. This pi is about 5 years old. Things looked and look MUch diff. now. Now the racks hold 4 tanks high and are still wall to wall. good thing is I got an extra row from the move.


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Bloomin 'ek! I carnt believe u have 102 tanks! :crazy: :crazy:

So u got any pics of the 'new' improved fish room ? :D -_- :p
the old one was in the garage. Now everything is in a shop twice the size. The racks are a combanation of blocks and someof my old stands. I made alot of news ones also since i got more room.

That picture there is old and from one section where I raised the fry. Hey, be nice donb't nack my messy OLD fishroom. Or I may have to hunt more pics and post,post,post. LOLOLOL
U have ur own shop ?! :crazy: :lol: :D lol

C'mon, post some pics of the new fish 'shop' :D :D
Not a fish shop. I rented a shop which is where I keep all my tanks now since I moved and don't have the room I had before. In shop I mean like work shop, only this is my fish shop. Not store like shop.
The fish I sell I sell online and ship airfright. But maybe someday I will open up a BIG shop. For now I must remain just your average insane hobbiest who has more tanks than the normal person does. :crazy: :-(

Bad thing is I love my fish to much that I couldn't see myself breeding them on a commercial level. takes the fun and adveture out of it then.
Crikey... and my missus calls me a fish nut, I only have 8 tanks... saying that though I'm looking to start a business soon and eventually move onto livestock... I love Cichlids but Catfish are still my thing, I hope to specialise in them because they have great popularity over here. Cichlids will still feature somewhere though.... I couldn't imagine being without my pair of Paratilapia Pollini 'Big Spot'. They are truly awesome fish... B)
:lol: :lol: hehe so you say, :D very nice fish danny :rolleyes:
TY slt

I love the Nyererei complex. There colors are just wonderfull and there temperment is awfull. LOLOL

should I sneak another one in. ? LOLOL

yeap you called it.


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