How Many More Neon Tetras

William Hlas

New Member
Sep 11, 2011
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Right now I have 7 neon tetras in my 15 gallon along with a couple of albino cory catfish. I was wanting to know how much more neon tetras could I put in there?

hi there,

i would advise that you add a few more albino corys first as they prefer to be kept in groups. you could perhaps add another 6 neons but take advice on this from more experienced members as i have never kept neons!

L :good:
Maybe I should of said I have 5 albino corys instead of a couple
I'd suggest 2 more neons and 2 more cories... Then keep a close eye on water quality and keep the water changes frequent or large (or both).
+1. if adding more corys (and since you already have 5!) you will not be able to add many more neons.

L :good:

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